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I would like you to know about foods in Cebu and also you can feel something through my experiences. My experiences are extremely precious and I would like to share it with you.
(about Japanese, Korean, Philippine, Thai, German, Italian, Spanish & Mediterranean restaurants.)

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Angelina, Italian Restarant, Cebu, Philippines.

Angelina, Italian Restarant, Cebu, Philippines. Location : Banilad Rd, Cebu City, Philippines. Tel No. : (032) 231-7435, Mobile : 09175561720 Angelina is located on Banilad Rd near Gaisano Country Mall where we can buy commodities, foods and etc. This is inside this restaurant which you're able to eat Italian cuisines with air-conditioner. Restaurants Cebu Philippines This is outside this restaurant where I can recommend you to dine for dinner this place. You're able ...

Restaurants and English schools in Cebu Philippines | 2008.05.04 Sun 18:02

CHIKA-AN Restaurant, Cebu, Philippines.

CHIKA-AN Restaurant, Cebu, Philippines. Location : Century Plaza Commercial, Complex Juana, Osmena St. Cebu City, Philippines. Tel No. : (032) 253-6221 Business hour : 11:00am〜14:00pm, 17:30〜22:00 The CHIKA-AN is located on Osmena street near GOLDEN COWRIE which also provides us reasonable Filipino cuisine. If you wanna dine in thie restaurant, it's much better to reserve a table before coming agaist congestion. Inside the restaurant which is always crowded during night tim...

Restaurants and English schools in Cebu Philippines | 2008.03.21 Fri 01:55

Laguna Garden Cafe Restaurant, Cebu, Philippines.

Laguna Garden Cafe Restaurant, Cebu, Philippines. Location : Gareden Row 1, Biliran Road Cebu Business Park Ayala, Cebu City, Philippines. Tel No. : (032) 233-8600 Fax No. : (032) 233-8602 E-mail : lgc@cafelaguna.com Detail : Website This cleanly restaurant is located near AYALA Shopping Center where we can buy commodities, foods, and for dinner. I used to come here for shopping when I came here in Cebu for studying English. This is inside the restaurant which has really a...

Restaurants and English schools in Cebu Philippines | 2008.03.20 Thu 00:56

Emerald Green, Diving, Cebu, Philippines.

Emerald Green, Diving, Cebu, Philippines. Location : P.O.Box 360, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, Philippines. Tel.No. : (032) 480-9038 ; 480-9025 Detail : website in Japanese. This is Diving Shop "Emerald Green" which is located inside Lubi Resort. We asked them for diving this time. This is inside the shop where you can relax as a guest, and you need to talk with their staff about your diving. You're able to have some coffee and teas for free. Travel, Sightseeing, Divi...

Restaurants and English schools in Cebu Philippines | 2008.03.10 Mon 00:11

Restaurant, Travel & Hotel, Cebu, Philippines

Restaurant, Travel & Hotel, Cebu, Philippines Location : Inside Lubi Resort Hotel This restaurant is located inside the hotel "Lubi Resort Hotel" which provides us delicious dishes and also you can have meals with amazing atmosphere. This is French Fries which was not so delicious because of ptatos's fiber this time, but it's good to order as an appetizer with alcohol. Prices : 110 pesos. My evaluation : ★★ Restaurant, Cebu, Philippines This is Alla Bolonese which I ca...

Restaurants and English schools in Cebu Philippines | 2008.03.07 Fri 17:21

Santandar, Travel, Sightseeing, Cebu, Philippines.

Santander, Travel, Sightseeing, Cebu, Philippines Location : around Poblacion, Santander, Cebu, Philippines This sight is near Lubi Resort Hotel. After lunch, we had enough time to roam around this place for shopping and finding something new for good experiences. But, you need to go up steep hill toward downtown. It takes quite long to reach this place because of steep slope. At that time, I was already exhausted. If you wanna rome around this downtown, you need to know how ...

Restaurants and English schools in Cebu Philippines | 2008.03.06 Thu 22:31

Lubi Resort Hotel, Travel & Hotel, Cebu Philippines.

Lubi Resort Hotel, Travel & Hotel, Cebu Philippines. Location : Poblacion, Santander, Cebu, Philippines Tel. No. : 032-480-9025, 032-480-9038, FAX : 032-480-9026 E-mail : lubiresort@globelines.com.ph Detail : website This is the signboard to go to Lubi Resort Hotel which is owned by Japanese, the owner terrifically loves Cebu Island as a inventor. This is about his Resort Hotel where you can feel comfortable from the color of building. I mean, you are able to relax at ...

Restaurants and English schools in Cebu Philippines | 2008.03.06 Thu 01:05

KAWASAN FALLS, Travel & Sightseeing, Cebu, Philippines

KAWASAN FALLS, Travel & Sightseeing, Cebu, Philippines Location : Matutinao, Badian, Cebu, Philippines, southern tip part of Cebu. Kawasan Falls is located at Matutinao, Badian, Cebu, Philippines, southern tip part of Cebu. When I visited this place, it was rainy unfortunately. It takes less than 2 hours and half from Cebu by taxi. When you come here, some staff will approach you for your guide, you need to negotiate with them. But, you don't need to hire a guide, it's too easy for...

Restaurants and English schools in Cebu Philippines | 2008.03.04 Tue 18:59

PINO, Philippines Restaurant, Cebu, Philippines

PINO, Philippines Restaurant, Cebu, Philippines Location : Wilson St., Lahug, Cebu City. Tel. No. : (032) 231-3101 Fax (032) 232-0939 E-Mail : mlj_gourmetfod@yahoo.com.ph Business hour : 11:30am〜2:30pm, 6:30pm〜10:30pm This restaurant is located on Wilson St.,Lahug near JY Square. It was my first time to come here. Before going inside this restaurant, I was worried about the prices because of ambience from the outside building. This is inside PINO restaurant which also ha...

Restaurants and English schools in Cebu Philippines | 2008.03.04 Tue 12:47

ICHIIRIKICYAYA Japanese Restaurant Cebu Philippines

ICHIIRIKICYAYA Japanese Restaurant Cebu Philippines Location : Ichiriki Chaya Bldg.,A.S. Fortuna. Mandaue City Tel No. : (032) 345-1300 This is Japanese Restaurant which is located on AS Fourtuna st. I think, it's too easy for you to find this place because of this noticable sign board. This is Japanese Restaurant "ICHIRIKICYAYA" which has really good ambience and also you'll be satisfied with their atomosphere. Restaurant Cebu Philippines This is inside their restau...

Restaurants and English schools in Cebu Philippines | 2008.02.14 Thu 01:09


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