[pear_error: message="Success" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""]
20actor, 200 big popcorn bag, 60secounds, 5av in front of fancy tiffany...Popcorn Fight !That was a job I did last week...To be honest, I really didn't like the idea to waste the food, but I enjoyed so much!All stress went away ! ..But I have to come home with Cinnamon smelling all over and sticky wet clothes..What a joy of non-union work ! JUGEMテーマ:NEW YORK 最近、本当にまだまだ小さい仕事だけど、ぽちぽちいろんな所に足を運べるようになりました。そんな中、先日のお仕事。前日にエキス...
Go! Go! BuddingYukes | 2010.06.23 Wed 12:42
Last Monday in May, " Memorial Day" ! What I like about American is they always have BBQ in holiday ! Joined my friend's BBQ party at Astoria, Queens.We all have different background such as from Latin America, Europe, and Japan ( Asia), and USA. Food was not only meat, we had some seafood too! And conversation was quite international !Had great time with friends and lovely dog :)Aa, miss the life with dog !(P.S I taped video but deleted by mistake 5min ago...No Back-up...Ugh...)JUGEMテーマ:...
Go! Go! BuddingYukes | 2010.06.13 Sun 01:09
There are so many " Acting" training classes. Such as Scene study class, Monologue class, Alexander technique, Speech class, On-camera class, Commercial class, Audition technique class, Cold-reading class...etc..I attend for " Improvisation class" today.For English as a second language speaker, Improvisation is hard technique. Sometimes I can't react the situation in English, and sometimes it taked time for me to understand what's going on...it was not my favorite training before but since al...
Go! Go! BuddingYukes | 2010.05.30 Sun 03:20
2006.8 I moved to new york with believing " I gotta be Christine Daae at Phantom of the Opera", But I noticed that I am Asian, and I don't have talent at all for dancing, singing !!But fortunately, I noticed my talent in Acting same time. I focused my training toward Acting and fixing my accent.Because of the efforts, now I can say, " I am ready, I am well-trained ! ". And next step now I am trying is " Marketing my self". Recently I start meeting Agents & Casting directors to sell myself...
Go! Go! BuddingYukes | 2010.05.24 Mon 01:47
New york ! There are so many talented people all over in this small island.I saw a break dancer group on 34th street station just the way back home, and WOW, its my friend Tommaso !! I knew Tommaso since I moved to new york, but have never seen his dancing. If you see Italian break dance somewhere in NYC, that's Tommaso ! It worth to spend time to watch. And Its worth to spend some tip :) JUGEMテーマ:NEW YORKニューヨークって駅や公園でパフォーマンスをやってる人があちこちにいるんだよこの...
Go! Go! BuddingYukes | 2010.05.13 Thu 00:40
SOOOOOO Stressed out today !Everything is overwhelming ! Applying internet based casting site, paying fees, but it seems like I am just paying money, and no progress !I have to make website, reels, and will pick up my business card, post card,Everything cost money, but I am not making any yet.Daaa!JUGEMテーマ:NEW YORK 今日は気が狂いそうなくらいストレス全開です。近寄ったらとばっちりがきそうなモード全開です。いらいらいら。も〜ニューヨークは何をするにもお金がかかる!!!!!今日は映画...
Go! Go! BuddingYukes | 2010.05.11 Tue 05:24
ヤンキースの中継を見ていると、球場内でこの曲がよく流れますよね。 なんだか、こういうおおらかな雰囲気がアメリカの魅力なんですよね(^^;)。 JUGEMテーマ:NEW YORK
プロ作家 松本肇 のブログ \(^◇^)/ ★×10、☆×1、△×3 | 2010.05.07 Fri 00:07
One of the reason why people love New York, is because I think there are a lot of Greens in this city. Specially the tree which all over the street have beautiful small white flowers in the beginning of spring as if they are telling us " Spring has come". But I might have allergy for this. My wrist is swollen badly since last Sunday! I went to see the doctor. He did find out I have a allergy for this tree but not sure this allergy reaction on wrist caused by this tree or any other reason. Oth...
Go! Go! BuddingYukes | 2010.04.17 Sat 04:51
Its only April, but I got a mosquito bite !...on my foot !!Can't believe it ! I bet he is a foot fetish !Because he bite on my back of foot, every time I walk, its so itchy !Haa Miss Japanese drug store. They have huge collection of " Anti Mosquito" goods always in this season....I have more itchy news..worse one. Will let you know on next blog.Ugh.JUGEMテーマ:NEW YORK 最近ブログさぼってました。すいませ〜ん。だってー。言い訳は、最近7時起き!来週末のショーにキャスティングが決まった...
Go! Go! BuddingYukes | 2010.04.15 Thu 07:03
Hope you had great Easter day !...Not me..sigh.I had a food poisoning since Saturday night. then been sick for morning.I felt better on afternoon. So I tried to go outside.....Then. I fell !I almost felt like I fly in the air ! Ugh, but ofcourse I didn't. I landed with huge sound...yeah, I fell down all stairs.Look my poor leg !Fortunately I didn't hit my head nor face, but still, my right side of body is in pain !!JUGEMテーマ:NEW YORK いい天気の昨日、日曜日はイースターです。キリス...
Go! Go! BuddingYukes | 2010.04.06 Tue 13:14
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