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JUGEMテーマ:アラブ・地中海料理6月といえば、今年も ウスパルタのバラ祭りが始まります!これにちなんで、「あふぃえとるすん!」では、人気のバラジャムが入った福袋をご用意しました〜 バラのジャムって、ビンを開けただけで華やかな香りがふんわり♪トーストにのせたり、紅茶に入れたりして、バラの香りを楽しむジャムなんです。ジャムにはバラの花びらも入っていて、高級感もある感じ。一度食べたらハマっちゃう? リピーターさんの多い人気商品です。福袋には、通常価格 900円の ザクロジュースも入ってますから、かな...
あふぃえとるすん! | 2009.06.13 Sat 19:53
JUGEMテーマ:アラブ・地中海料理 When I want to drink in summer, juice of the flower of the hibiscus, Karkade . Karkade is very good for a throat. I intend to serve it Karkade because my grandmother coughs. The grandmother is old very much. She spills drink well. When Karkade is dyed, it do not fall. Therefore I made jelly. I love the pudding, too. There are a lot of delicious puddings in Japan. In patisserie, I do 2 dollars - 9 dollars with one, size of a coffee cup. It is eaten a l...
地球散歩(English) | 2009.05.19 Tue 15:40
JUGEMテーマ:アラブ・地中海料理 I love Brik. I ate Brik once a day at stay Tunisia . Mama is a magician of the kitchens. When I was small, the mom made cooking to come out to a story of book.I think that a mom can easily make any kind of cooking without having looked.I tell mama "making Brik for me" She ask me " What is Brik?"I handed Brik paper to her. Brik is "Tape C"and I said mom "inside is a potato, tuna and egg"Japanese frypan is very small.A corner was broken!We try...
地球散歩(English) | 2009.04.22 Wed 10:56
JUGEMテーマ:アラブ・地中海料理JUGEMテーマ:旅行 My family loves Cuscus which I make.this cooking is eaten a lot of vegetables. It is the food which is very good for health. In my house, there is three Grandmother. All the members tooth shakily. One doesn't have one tooth. A cooking ingredient is soft for them and needs cooking to get of the nourishment.One day mama said."Your cuscus is very delicious.If we have exclusive tableware it will be more delicious".I a...
地球散歩(English) | 2009.03.26 Thu 14:54
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