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Captured Space Commander 2 / 捕獲された宇宙戦艦の女艦長 2

Captured female captain commanding a space battleship / 捕らえられた宇宙戦艦を指揮する女艦長       【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Captured / 捕獲 -   One by one, enemy soldiers board her damaged spaceship. She tries to escape, but the female captain of the spaceship is captured by the enemy soldiers and restrained so that she cannot move.   大破した彼女の艦に、次々と敵の兵士が彼女の宇宙戦艦に乗艦してくる。彼女は脱出を試みるが、宇宙戦...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.08.20 Tue 05:05

Romance of Warrior E 2 / 魔界の女戦士 Eのロマンス 2

The days of love of Female warrior who has been subjugating monsters in the shadows of history since ancient times / 古来より歴史の影での魔物たちを討伐している女戦士の愛の日々     【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Romance / ロマンス -   The  female warrior from the demon world lies on the bed and greets you. And you and she will enjoy a romance just the two of you.   魔界の女戦士は、ベッドの上に横たわり、貴方を迎える。そして、貴方と彼女は、...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.08.14 Wed 06:06

Captured Space Commander 1 / 捕獲された宇宙戦艦の女艦長 1

Captured female captain commanding a space battleship / 捕らえられた宇宙戦艦を指揮する女艦長       【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Captured / 捕獲 -   One by one, enemy soldiers board her damaged spaceship. She tries to escape, but the female captain of the spaceship is captured by the enemy soldiers and restrained so that she cannot move.   大破した彼女の艦に、次々と敵の兵士が彼女の宇宙戦艦に乗艦してくる。彼女は脱出を試みるが、宇宙戦...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.08.01 Thu 04:52

Knight B Rest / 休息をとる魔界の女騎士 B

Momentary Rest of Female knight who has been subjugating monsters in the shadows of history since ancient times / 古来より歴史の影での魔物たちを討伐している女騎士の束の間の休息       【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Rest / 休息 -   A female knight from the demon world was captured by monsters, but with the help of her fellow female knights, she managed to escape the monsters' watchful eyes and successfully escaped from the demon world's ca...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.07.28 Sun 06:14

Romance of Warrior E 1 / 魔界の女戦士 Eのロマンス 1

The days of love of Female warrior who has been subjugating monsters in the shadows of history since ancient times / 古来より歴史の影での魔物たちを討伐している女戦士の愛の日々       【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Romance / ロマンス -   The  female warrior from the demon world lies on the bed and greets you. And you and she will enjoy a romance just the two of you.   魔界の女戦士は、ベッドの上に横たわり、貴方を迎える。そして、貴方...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.07.26 Fri 04:27

Warrior D Oath / 魔界の女戦士 D の誓約

Warrior who fights the demons of the demon world pledges to serve only you / 貴方だけに尽くすと誓約する魔界の魔物たちと戦う女戦士       【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Oath / 誓約 -    After your sexual relations are over, and the female warrior of the demon world puts on her body suit and armor, she kneels before you and pledges to serve you as your one and only female warrior.   魔界の女戦士は、貴方との男女の営みが終わり、また、...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.07.23 Tue 05:39

Defeated Space Commander 2 / 敗北した宇宙戦艦の女艦長 2

Defeated female captain commanding a space battleship / 敗北した宇宙戦艦を指揮する女艦長       【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Defeated / 敗北 -   The fleet to which her ship belongs was ambushed by the enemy. Although her fleet puts up a good fight, her allies' ships are rapidly being shot down, and in the end, her ships are defeated by enemy fire.   彼女の艦が所属する艦隊が敵の待ち伏せ攻撃に出会った。彼女の艦隊は善戦したが、味方の...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.07.17 Wed 05:06

Knight B Interrogation 2 / 尋問される魔界の女騎士 B 2

Female knight who has been subjugating monsters in the shadows of history since ancient times is subjected to harsh interrogation. / 厳しい尋問を受ける古来より歴史の影での魔物たちを討伐している女騎士       【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Interrogation / 尋問 -   A female knight from the demon world is captured by monsters and is subjected to relentless interrogation by them. However, she does not reveal any secrets of the human world. The monster...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.07.13 Sat 07:31

Warrior Type E Invitation / 魔界の女戦士 E の誘惑

Momentary Rest of Female warrior who has been subjugating monsters in the shadows of history since ancient times / 古来より歴史の影での魔物たちを討伐している女戦士の束の間の休息     【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Invitation / 誘惑 -   After consulting with you about countermeasures against monsters and dealing with the human world in her room in her hometown's old castle, the female warrior slowly lies down on the bed and gently invites you in. You ...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.07.11 Thu 04:47

Satisfied Warrior Type D / 満足した女戦士 D

Warrior who fights the demons of the demon world who is satisfied with you and immerses herself in the afterglow. / 貴方に満足し、余韻に浸る魔界の魔物たちと戦う女戦士       【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Satisfaction / 余韻 -   The Female Warrior seems to be very satisfied now that she's finished having sex with you. She is lying on the ground, basking in the afterglow. And she was thinking about her future with you.   女戦士は、貴...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.07.08 Mon 04:33


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