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翔君へのメール 22  ― 試合の心得 1

JUGEMテーマ:空手道 '  ・・・翔君は組み手に集中したいようだから、型試合は気を抜かずにやればいいでしょう。確かに、型と組み手は違いますが、型をしっかりやっているから組み手もうまい(強いではなく)と審査員に思わせるような気迫のこもった隙のない型を演じて下さい。    昔、上原先生の型を見たことがあります。先生は型を演じている間全く隙がなく、後ろから突けば、先生の後ろ蹴りが飛んで来そうな感じでした。    もし、型試合が組み手試合よりも先にあるのなら、組み手試合の準備運動と...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.04.09 Tue 19:39

翔君へのメール 20  ― 試合のための稽古

 JUGEMテーマ:空手道 ’  ・・・・技術的にも、間合いに入る時に、踏み出すというより前に倒れるようにしながら「スッ」というイメージで動いていれば問題ありません。    新しいテューブ・トレーニングを教えましょう。使う道具はテューブ・パワーリスト・パワーアンクルです。まずパワーリストとパワーアンクルを装着します。次に柱か樹にテューブを巻きつけて一番端を手で握り体全体で引きつけてから、順突きと前進逆突を出します。前進逆突きは一度だけ運動公園で教えたことがあります。その場で逆突き...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.04.09 Tue 16:19

翔君へのメール 19  ― 以無法為有法

JUGEMテーマ:空手道 '  「降ると見ば 積もらぬ先に 払えかし             柳の枝に 雪折れはなし」 ’  芯はしっかりと持った上で、相手の動きの変化には柔軟に対応しましょう。相手の圧力に負けない気迫を持つのは大事ですが、気迫で気迫に対応しないようにしましょう。相手が気迫だけで押してきたら、放任法や転気法あるいは挫折法などを使って徹底的に合気を外して肩透かしを食わせてやりましょう。    型をしっかりとやり込んだ上で、型を忘れて体の動き...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.04.09 Tue 12:30

My mails to D ?   「秘密主義」

JUGEMテーマ:空手道 '   I've been wondering if I should tell you about your grand grand shifu or not. But I made up my mind to give it straight to you. Prepare for a shock I will give you from now.   He is good, even though I told you he is more of a resercher than a fighter. It is not a matter of his fighting ability. What matters more is his way of teaching(or business). My friend (who is an expert of Wing Chun=詠春拳) told me that&nbs...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.04.09 Tue 07:59

My mails to D ?   「三つの先」

JUGEMテーマ:空手道 ’   Hi, D !   I don't mind giving you my analysis. I'm looking forward to watching your video tape or DVD. Oh, I forgot. VCR is not available in China, So please send me the DVD.      I have three paterns of fighting. First, counterattacks like yours. Second, simultaneous attacks. Third, preemptive attacks(or should I say"lead-off attacks?). The third one is very difficult to master it. Plea...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.04.08 Mon 21:59

Mails between D and Ryu ?   「白ウサギ」

JUGEMテーマ:空手道 '  Thank you for the excellent advice. I'm sorry for the delay in responding to your email... I was away in Colorado last week.  I asked my teacher about the problems I was having in sparring as well, and he suggested that we begin video taping our sparring sessions so that I can watch afterwards to see how I performed. Perhaps after we have taped sessions for a few months, I can show the video to you for an analysis of my progre...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.04.08 Mon 14:41

Mails between D and Ryu ?   「組み手過多」

JUGEMテーマ:空手道 ’   Hello!   I'm happy to hear back from you. Your travels in Mongolia sound like a very interesting experience. Thank you for the advice about the drinking sessions... I'm glad to know that now, because I would like to travel to a number of places in asia in the coming years and I'd like to try to stay out of trouble.   How is everything else going lately? Are you still training martial arts in addition to meditation ...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.04.08 Mon 08:47

Mails between D and Ryu ?   「組み手の技術」

JUGEMテーマ:空手道 ’   Ahh, I'm sorry. I misunderstood the question about the injuries.   Actually, the injuries seem to come in a variety of different ways. I think the main reason for it is just that I have been doing so much sparring. Even on days where my sparring is very good, sometimes a punch or kick can make it through my defenses... then, because I am sparring four or five days per week, these injuries start to occur&...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.04.08 Mon 03:08

Mails between D and Ryu ?  「詠春拳vsキックボクシング」

JUGEMテーマ:空手道 ’   Hello Dream Master,  I'm glad to hear from you.  Are you still in China now or have you returned to Japan? How is your training coming along? If you have returned to Japan already, have you been able to study the dance technique in Fukuoka that you were telling me about?  My Wing Chun=詠春拳 training is coming along well. It is always difficult to begin a new style, because the techniques feel so unusual compared to what...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.04.08 Mon 00:07

Mails between D and Ryu ?  「遠間から近間へ」

JUGEMテーマ:空手道 ’   Hello Mr. Takano!   Thank you for your message. I'm doing well. During the summer, things are slow at my job so it's a good time for martial arts training and some travel. I will go to Colorado Springs in two weeks to compete in a triathlon, so my training has been pretty rigorous for that.     Actually, I have been using my martial arts training to help me prepare - the frequent sparring (althoug...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.04.07 Sun 21:29


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