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my stamping ground

今日は午前中だけ有給を取って、いろいろやるべき事をやってる。ちょっと時間ができたので、スタバで休憩中。内省的になりながらも、スタバで心静かに過ごす時間はこの上ないリラックスした時間。Today, I took half a day off in the morningand I am doing a couple of things I have to do. Fortunately, I've got a time to have a cup of coffee at Starbucks cafe now.I'm a tad introspective though, I feel very relaxed spending tranquil time at Starbucks.JUGEMテーマ:英語日記

I Go Alone Again | 2012.10.09 Tue 11:00

my stamping ground

今日は午前中だけ有給を取って、いろいろやるべき事をやってる。ちょっと時間ができたので、スタバで休憩中。内省的になりながらも、スタバで心静かに過ごす時間はこの上ないリラックスした時間。Today, I took half a day off in the morningand I am doing a couple of things I have to do. Fortunately, I've got a time to have a cup of coffee at Starbucks cafe now.I'm a tad introspective though, I feel very relaxed spending tranquil time at Starbucks.JUGEMテーマ:英語日記

I Go Alone Again | 2012.10.09 Tue 11:00

pathetic man

It's 3-day-holidays though, I haven't done anything so far.Deep down I have to take an action though,I can't do anything at last.I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.I'm not sure what's there around me.andI'm not sure who I am...JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 

I Go Alone Again | 2012.10.07 Sun 23:28

A sign

JUGEMテーマ:マタニティJUGEMテーマ:英語日記 Summer in 2012I will write about several sign that could be considered caused by pregnant.First pregnancy trimester-At the middle of June : a lot of small pimples on my face I wondered why it suddenly broke out..-At the end of June: backache, very tired and sleepy It also hit me suddenly. I started to suspect the possibility of baby just a little, but didn't take it serious. But a backache lasts everyday and became stronger and stronge...

A sailing bird | 2012.10.07 Sun 11:51

Start From Scratch

明日も仕事なのに、未だに眠れない自分がいる。 「どん底」なんて存在しやしない。有るとしたら、それは死ぬ時で、そこまではいくらでも沈んで行くんだ。 そんな現実を目の当たりにして、俺はただボーゼンとしてるだけ。 can hardly get any sleep tonight even though I have to go work tomorrow.There's no "bottom."If there were, it would be the time to die,and until then I keep sinking forever.Seeing the reality with my own eyes, I can do nothing but stand still.JUGEMテーマ:英語日記

I Go Alone Again | 2012.10.04 Thu 20:26

[1] August 4, 2012

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 It was sunny today. But it was really muggy. I was afraid that I will evaporate. It's Summeeeer!!

M memo. | 2012.08.05 Sun 00:33

a mosquito for no reason (230)

When I cooked Korean food "boolgogi" and Chinese food " bang bang chicken" with seasoning "Cook do",  honeycombs remover man came. After  he has left,I found I've been bitten a lot by a mosquito for no reason. I'm busy today, again.クックドゥで韓国料理のプルコギと中華の棒々鶏をつくってたら蜂の巣駆除の業者がやってきた。彼が帰った後、なぜかあちこち蚊にさされまくっていてさっ。とにかく、今日もなにかと忙しいとさ。JUGEMテーマ:英語日記■■■SacHi-Studio■■■ http://members3.jcom.hom...

Revenge On London | 2012.07.18 Wed 22:06

Busy Day (229)

 All right already. The Japan Meteorological Agency announce the end of the rainy season in Tokyo. A deliveryman, a gasman, a repairman, and a cleaning worker tapped at the door of my house. I'm busy today, again.ほらね。東京は梅雨明けたってさっ。で、今日は宅配業者にガス業者、ドアの修理工に清掃業者が我が家の戸をたたいたのであった。忙しき一日なのであった。JUGEMテーマ:英語日記■■■SacHi-Studio■■■ http://members3.jcom.home.ne.jp/sachi-studio

Revenge On London | 2012.07.18 Wed 17:07

the rainy season (228)

I guess the end of the rainy season.Definitely the rainy season ended.梅雨明けたんじゃない? いや、絶対に明けた。JUGEMテーマ:英語日記■■■SacHi-Studio■■■ http://members3.jcom.home.ne.jp/sachi-studio

Revenge On London | 2012.07.18 Wed 16:59

Waterrrrrrrrrrrr (227)

The shower doesn't have hot water. So I contacted a management company. シャワーからお湯が出ません。でもって、業者に連絡。JUGEMテーマ:英語日記■■■SacHi-Studio■■■ http://members3.jcom.home.ne.jp/sachi-studio 

Revenge On London | 2012.07.18 Wed 16:48


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