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Explore Japan
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Explore Japan

このテーマに投稿された記事:7件 | このテーマのURL:https://jugem.jp/theme/c147/25219/
Explore Japan
Please write about your trip to Japan.


Landscape with green|A plant factory in Ginza (Tokyo, Japan)|January 2016

JUGEMテーマ:Explore Japan Itoya, which is a famous Japanese stationery shop in Ginza, has a plant factory at 11th floor on Itoya's own building. Itoya:http://www.ito-ya.co.jp/

greenjpblog - グリーンな情報のブログ | 2016.03.07 Mon 14:36

Landscape with green|Gujo Hachiman (Gifu, Japan)|August 2015

JUGEMテーマ:Explore Japan   The end of August, the street of Gujo Hachiman was very lively because of "Gujo Odori", one of the most famous traditional festival in Japan. Since late August had been raining, the flow of Yoshida River was so rapidly on the day. Gujo Hachiman Castle looks on the left of the hill.

greenjpblog - グリーンな情報のブログ | 2016.03.04 Fri 23:54

Landscape with green|Bunkyo Hydrangea Festival (Tokyo, Japan)|June 2015

JUGEMテーマ:Explore Japan   The Hakusan shrine in the center of Tokyo is a comparatively small one. Bunkyo Hydrangea Festival(Bunkyo Ajisai Matsuri)is held in June every year, about 3000 hydrangeas blow here.

greenjpblog - グリーンな情報のブログ | 2016.03.04 Fri 23:54

Landscape with green|Art museums in Hakone (Kanagawa, Japan)|September 2015

JUGEMテーマ:Explore Japan   You might be able to feel the beauty not only in museums but in the middle of nature.

greenjpblog - グリーンな情報のブログ | 2016.03.04 Fri 23:53

Landscape with green|Kurobe Gorge Train (Toyama, Japan)|July 2015

JUGEMテーマ:Explore Japan   After the Hokuriku super express(Shinkansen) was opened to traffic on March 2015, we can make a day trip to Kurobe Gorge from Tokyo. You will be comfortable with gentle flow of time at kurobe Gorge. I got the Hokuriku super express at Omiya station.

greenjpblog - グリーンな情報のブログ | 2016.03.04 Fri 23:52

Landscape with green|Autumn roses in Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden (Tokyo, Japan)|December 2014

JUGEMテーマ:Explore Japan   Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden that has has huge green garden is located nearby Shinjyuku station, the largest station in Japan. I went to the garden to enjoy autumn roses. Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan:Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden http://www.env.go.jp/garden/shinjukugyoen/english/

greenjpblog - グリーンな情報のブログ | 2016.03.04 Fri 23:52

Landscape with green|Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter (Okayama, Japan)|May 2012

JUGEMテーマ:Explore Japan   Kurashiki is a industrial city that has a petrochemical complex, but you can enjoy sightseeing of Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter, about 10 minutes walk from JR Kurashiki station. Traditional Boat Tour of Kurashiki Canal

greenjpblog - グリーンな情報のブログ | 2016.03.04 Fri 23:51



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