[pear_error: message="Success" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""]
JUGEMテーマ:丸猫ミャアは寒さのあまり身をかなり小さく縮ませていたようだ。It seemed that Mya was shrinking her body quite small for too much cold.そして、ミャアはその姿を見られたことに気づくと、恥じらいを隠そうとしていたようだ。And, it seemed that Mya tried to hide embarrassment when she noticed that she was caught that her sight by me.
fumikorosuke@blog | 2012.03.02 Fri 14:07
JUGEMテーマ:丸猫ミャアは、先日 pachao さんに【まんじゅう部】へのお誘いを受けたことに少し戸惑いを感じていたようだ。『なぜ私がまんじゅう部に誘われたのかしら。』It seemed that Mya felt puzzlement for having received the invitation to【まんじゅう部】 by pachao . "Why was I invited to まんじゅう部 ? "※ まんじゅう【饅頭、Manju】is a Japanese cake and a bun with a bean‐jam filling.ミャアは一生懸命考えたけど、やはりなぜ自分が【まんじゅう部 】に誘われたのかわからなかったようだ。Although Mya was con...
fumikorosuke@blog | 2012.03.02 Fri 14:06
JUGEMテーマ:丸猫ミャアは今日が4年に一度しかない #294p の日だと気づくと、感動して打ち震えていたようだ。It seems that when Mya had noticed that today was a day of #294p once in four years, she impressed and struck and was trembling.※ " #294p "(Nikukyu_Shippo) is the collaboration of " 29祭 " (paw festival ) and " #しっぽ祭 "(tail festival), and it is held on only February 29 in leap year. ミャアは #294p に参加できるのでうれしくて微笑んでいたようだ。It seemed that since the Mya participated in ...
fumikorosuke@blog | 2012.03.02 Fri 14:04
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