[pear_error: message="Success" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""] 関東・東北大地震〜被災者に応援メッセージを送ろう〜のブログ記事をまとめ読み! 全729件の7ページ目 | JUGEMブログ

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2013 Winter Camp Schedule

The “Bring Tohoku Kids to Swiss Camps!” Project    2013 Winter Camp Schedule JAPANESE The first event will take place from December 23, 2013 until December 31, 2013. The camp will be held by a Swiss camp school, Les Elfes. During the whole stay in Switzerland, Kousuke will stay at Les Elfes' dormitory inVerbier.   Dates Description December 23, 2013 ・Take off from the Narita Airport ・Arrive at th...

東北の子どもたちをスイスのキャンプへ! Bring Tohoku Kids to Swiss Camps | 2013.11.18 Mon 12:39


「東北の子どもたちをスイスのキャンプへ! 」プロジェクト   2013年ウインターキャンプの日程 ENGLISH 「東北の子どもたちをスイスのキャンプへ! 」プロジェクトの記念すべき第一回イベントは、2013年12月23日から31日までキャンプの専門校、レ・ゼルフ(Les Elfes)で開催されます。 スイス滞在期間中、キャンプに参加する加賀谷光祐君は、ヴェルビエにあるレ・ゼルフ(Les Elfes)の寮に滞在し、キャンプの活動に参加します。   日にち 内容 2013年12月23日 ...

東北の子どもたちをスイスのキャンプへ! Bring Tohoku Kids to Swiss Camps! | 2013.11.18 Mon 11:59

Sponsors for the 2013 Winter Camp: The "Bring Tohoku Kids to Swiss Camps!" Project

The "Bring Tohoku Kids to Swiss Camps!" Project has received generous support from companies as well as individuals. JAPANESE Here are the sponsors for the 2013 Winter Camp. We thank you very much for your support! ● A Camp School in Switzerland, Les Elfes http://www.leselfes.ch/ ● Trendy Sushi Shops from Zurich, Switzerland, Yooji's (← The Bern Shop opened on 5. Dec 2013!) http://www.yoojis.com/ ● Japanese Grocery Shop Uch...

東北の子どもたちをスイスのキャンプへ! Bring Tohoku Kids to Swiss Camps! | 2013.11.11 Mon 14:38


「東北の子どもたちをスイスのキャンプへ!」プロジェクトの記念すべき第一回イベントの2013年ウインターキャンプのスポンサーのご紹介です。 ENGLISH ● スイスのキャンプ専門校、レ・ゼルフ(Les Elfes) http://www.leselfes.ch/ ● トレンディなお寿司で発祥地のチューリヒで絶大な人気を誇るYooji's (2013年12月5日にベルン店オープン!) http://www.yoojis.com/ ● スイス在住日本人の強い見方!日本食材店うちとみ http://www.uchit...

東北の子どもたちをスイスのキャンプへ! Bring Tohoku Kids to Swiss Camps! | 2013.11.11 Mon 14:15

ボランティア募集!「東北の子どもたちをスイスのキャンプへ! 」プロジェクト

「東北の子どもたちをスイスのキャンプへ! 」プロジェクトでは、ボランティアを募集しております。 スイスと日本の架け橋として活動に参加しませんか? 東北の復興、日本の活性化を担う東北の子どもたちが立派な大人になる過程をご一緒にサポートしませんか? 現在募集しているボランティアの活動内容は、自宅でできるスポンサーとの連絡や、フライヤーの配布、それから、キャンプに参加する子どものエスコートなどです。 駆け出したばかりのプロジェクトなので、活動内容はこれからもっと拡大していくことでしょう。 ...

東北の子どもたちをスイスのキャンプへ! Bring Tohoku Kids to Swiss Camps! | 2013.11.11 Mon 13:32

Become a Corporate Sponsor of the “Bring Tohoku Kids to Swiss Camps!” Project

JAPANESE Thank you for your interest in becoming a corporate sponsor of the “Bring Tohoku Kids to Swiss Camps!” Project. Your contribution is highly appreciated. Your company logo will be posted on this site and our Facebook as well as flyers. If you are interested in supporting this project as an individual, please check here.    There is the information sheet about the “Bring Tohoku Kids to Swiss Camps!” Project. Please print it out and give ...

東北の子どもたちをスイスのキャンプへ! Bring Tohoku Kids to Swiss Camps! | 2013.11.11 Mon 12:48

Essay from Kousuke: the Great East Japan Earthquake

The Great East Japan Earthquake JAPANESE On 11th March 2011, a wide area of eastern Japan was attacked by strong earthquakes.  The epicenter was in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Sanriku and the shakes caused a chain of strong shakes. We were in the massive earthquake that remains in Japanese history, magnitude 9.0, maximum seismic intensity 7. Earthquakes of seismic intensity 3 had happened several times a few days before the main shock occured. I did not care...

東北の子どもたちをスイスのキャンプへ! Bring Tohoku Kids to Swiss Camps | 2013.11.11 Mon 11:56

"Why I want to go to Switzerland" by Kousuke

Why I want to go to Switzerland. JAPANESE I want to try and touch the things I haven’t done. This is my first reason that I want to go to Switzerland. One fears of what he doesn’t know. I knew well that if I try new things I can enter the new phase of my personal development. But I was unable to do that in readily. My close friend informed me about the “Bring Tohoku Kids to Swiss Camps!” Project, and I thought maybe I will try to reach out of my boundary a little. ...

東北の子どもたちをスイスのキャンプへ! Bring Tohoku Kids to Swiss Camps | 2013.11.11 Mon 11:52

Essay from Kousuke's Mother: After the Great East Japan Earthquake

Because Life Must Go On JAPANESE Our neighbor rebuilt their house. Because the ground of the former house became liquefied due to the earthquake.  Another friend bought a new car. Because the tsunami carried away his former car when it was parked at the Sendai Airport on his way to visit his parent’s place. A customer who visits my workplace is from Minamisoma (Editor’s Note: Minamisoma was heavily hit by the tsu...

東北の子どもたちをスイスのキャンプへ! Bring Tohoku Kids to Swiss Camps | 2013.11.11 Mon 11:43

How to Donate to the "Bring Tohoku Kids to Swiss Camps" Project (Individuals)

JAPANESE The "Bring Tohoku Kids to Swiss Camps!” Project welcomes your contributions! As a "Thank-You" for your contribution, you will receive: 1) A Thank-You Postcard from Switzerland by the Tohoku Kids 2) Project Flyers 3) Subscription to the Project Newsletter Please send us your name, post address, and email address in order to receive the gifts. ※Email: tohokuswiss@gmail.com ※Tell:(Japan)050-5539-5258,(Switzerland)031 921 52 58 For...

東北の子どもたちをスイスのキャンプへ! Bring Tohoku Kids to Swiss Camps! | 2013.11.11 Mon 03:14


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