[pear_error: message="Success" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""]
JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって As Bob was walking on campus, a man he passed called out to him by name. "Bob, Bob! It's me, Nick." When he turned around, it was Nikolai. Bob was surprised because Nikolai was smiling brightly, like a different person. "Nick! Was it you? I couldn't recognize you." Nikolai's impression had completely changed. The fero...
無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.04.24 Wed 00:55
JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって Before Sasha knew it, she was in a dream. The hands on the table clock on the desk were pointing to 5 minutes before 9:00. She feels like she's forgetting something important. But she just can't remember what it was. While she was thinking about it, she heard the sound of the door being unlocked at the entrance. He's here again. When she timidly went to the entrance, ...
無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.04.24 Wed 00:35
JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって Bob stood up and closed the partition between them and the table next to them. "Now, grab your pen and stand here." As Bob told her, Sasha stood up with a pen in her hand. "What am I gonna do?" "Imagine that the werewolf is standing in front of you." "I imagined it. Then what should I do?" ...
無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.04.23 Tue 21:15
JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって When Bob arrived at "Counter Clock", Sasha was waiting for him on the second floor. "Bob." "Sasha, is something wrong?" "Yesterday, you said, 'It looks like it'll be resolved sooner than I expected.'. " "Yeah, I said so." "What does that mean?" "Maybe...
無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.04.22 Mon 22:57
JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって 自分自身の無意識とは言え、無意識は意識が捕らえきれない多くの情報を意識に提供してくれます。その無意識からのメッセージをより正確に受け止めて、自分の生活や人生に上手に応用することができれば、多くの恩恵に浴することができるでしょう。 ただ、この無意識からのメッセージに耳を傾けることは、それほど簡単なことではありません。せっかく無意識からの情報が上がって来ても、それに気付けないこともしばしばだからです。 &n...
無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.04.22 Mon 22:33
JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって The day after talking with Bob in the hallway of the academic building, Sasha called Bob. "Hello, Bob." "Hi, Sasha." "Can we meet up at 'Counter Clock' from now?" "I'm a little busy right now, but I'll take care of some business right away and then go over there. Can you wait for me reading some books? "...
無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.04.22 Mon 21:35
JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって The next day, Sasha spotted Bob in the hallway of the academic building and ran up to him. "Bob! Why did you leave me alone and go away yesterday?" "Shh, your voice is too loud. If people hear you, they'll misunderstand you." "It's okay. No one's listening." "You're quite a dare-devil." "I&...
無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.04.22 Mon 15:28
JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって Sasha looked around the room. She looked at the clock on her desk and saw that it was just 9 p.m. "Bob! Where did you go?" Judging from the lack of response, it seems that Bob is not here. "Bob, you said, 'I'll be waiting outside.'. But you are gone." Sasha was a little dissatisfied. At that moment, she heard th...
無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.04.21 Sun 08:51
JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって When she entered the church building, there were no chairs inside for church members to sit on, while you can see them like in Catholic or Protestant churches. This is a characteristic of the Russian Orthodox Church. However, there are no icons to be found on the altar. All that was left was a huge, dull golden colored cross standing against a background of the orange curtain. "Bob, why isn...
無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.04.21 Sun 00:11
JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって 幼馴染の嶋田君が、一昨日、亡くなりました。3月末まで、バイクツーリングに出かけるほど、元気だったらしいんですが、2週間前に、急に体調が悪くなり、入院していたそうです。最後は、子供や孫たちに見守られながら、静かに逝ったと奥方が言ってました。(https://koshiki.jugem.jp/?eid=3606) 2020年の5月に、医者から「後一年の命」と宣告されたと言っていたので、宣告されていた余命よりも、実に3年近く永く生きた事になります。奥方の話によると...
無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.04.20 Sat 17:07
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