[pear_error: message="Success" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""] 精神世界をめぐってのブログ記事をまとめ読み! 全988件の4ページ目 | JUGEMブログ

  • JUGEMテーマ




このテーマに投稿された記事:988件 | このテーマのURL:https://jugem.jp/theme/c275/4316/

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Nightmare 2-13  ― Lucid Dream

JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって     "In the first year, he didn't teach me anything special. His teachings are as follows:    A sense of balance is just as important in the dream world as it is in the real world. Change your eating habits little by little without forcing yourself to do so. Eat food by chewing it thoroughly. Consciously replenishing energy in nature. Make the space between words useful in conversation. Wo...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.23 Thu 08:44

Nightmare 2-12  ― Sacred & Profane

JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって     "The Master is a completely different type of person from Norbu Rinpoche. He doesn't wear a Buddhist robe and have the atmosphere of an esoteric master at all. If anything, he was more of a businessman type. He is actually a businessman. He works in real estate and also owned several restaurants."   "That person must be extremely busy. Did he have time to teach you about dreaming? My f...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.22 Wed 13:13

Nightmare 2-11  ― Alter Ego

JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって      "When I attended Norbu's seminar, he gave me a knife to use in Tibetan esoteric Buddhism rituals. At the time, I didn't know why Norbu gave me the knife. But when I returned to my friend's house and was alone in the room, suddenly I had a vision of another version of myself holding the knife.  In that vision, I was using it to stab Norbu to death.    In that vision, I had a very ev...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.21 Tue 22:04

共時性 Synchronicity

JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって      4月6日(2012年)発表のブログ記事「夢日記 1」(http://koshiki.jugem.jp/?eid=862)において、私は次のような私自身の夢をご紹介させて頂きました。  自分の顔に薄茶色のシールが張ってありそれを額から頬の真ん中部分まで剥がしている。  さきほど、ブログを見て、びっくりしました。「夢日記 22(http://koshiki.jugem.jp/?eid=902)の下に載っていたグーグルによる広告が、上記の私の夢と同じ様に、顔から灰色のパックを顔の半分まで剥がしている白人...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.21 Tue 00:07

Nightmare 2-10  ― Master of Tibetan Esoterism

JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって     "After having the foresight dream, about a month later, I received an international call from my grandfather in Japan. He told me that he didn't have much time left and wanted to pass down all his knowledge and techniques to me while he can still move."     "So, you went back to Japan?"     "Yeah, I wanted to meet my grandfather too, and I felt a responsibility a...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.20 Mon 09:20

Nightmare 1-4  ― Suspicion

JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって     "Bob, thank you for saving me yesterday."   "Oh, it's OK."   "Everyone says you're amazing. But how did you beat Nick?"   "Oh, that's jiu-jitsu."   “Did you learn it in Canada?”   "My grandfather on my mother's side is Japanese. I learned it from him when I lived in Japan.'' &nb...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.20 Mon 08:31

Nightmare 2-9  ― Foresight Dream

JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって     "Is it true that you worked as a programmer for three years after graduating from university?"     "Yeah, three years went by in a blink of an eye. There were times when I was tired of working day in and day out, but I had a goal of traveling around the world and exploring dream control with the money I had saved. So I endured and worked hard."   "Didn't you have any...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.19 Sun 08:55

Nightmare 2-8  ― Encounter with masterpieces

JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって     "After graduating from high school, I went to study abroad at the University of Rhode Island in the United States and studied computer programming.I thought that I would be able to succeed in this field in the future.    There, I met a girl named Park Hye-ryeon, an exchange student from South Korea, and we fell in love. Meeting her changed my life forever. Her aunt was a Korean shaman known as 'Mūdang'...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.18 Sat 21:55

Nightmare 2-7  ― Human being\'s abilities

JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって     "Did you receive proper martial arts training from your grandfather after entering high school?"   "Yeah, my body had already grown up, so my grandfather carefully began to teach me the techniques and mindset from the initial form. Through three years of observation and reflex training to enhance my agility, correcting bodily imbalances, and mental imagery training while cleaning, I l...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.18 Sat 11:19

Nightmare 2-6  ― Oriental Martial Arts

JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって     "After returning to Japan, my mother and I started living with my grandparents. My grandfather was the heir to jujutsu, jojutsu, and kenjutsu, which had been passed down only within the family. There was a dojo on the grounds of the house. There, my grandfather would often train my cousins.    All of his grandchildren were girls except me, so he wanted to pass the traditional techniques down to me. But he&nb...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.16 Thu 12:12


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