[pear_error: message="Success" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""]
JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって "Oh, what is it?" "My first question is about Walmart." "Yeah?" "You said that Walmart was a world created by Yeong-soo and me.” "Rather than saying it's a world you guys have created, I think it's more accurate to say it's a world where the two of you are on the same wavelength. Or, you could say it...
無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.07 Tue 23:32
JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって 今日、いつもの公園で弟子のAさんと稽古していると、どこからともなく一匹のアゲハ蝶が飛んで来ました。暫く、我々の周囲を飛んでから、その蝶は、どこかに飛んで行きました。 その蝶がキレイだったので、飛んでいる間は、二人とも稽古の手を休めて話をする事も無く、その蝶の飛翔する様子を眺めていましたが、その蝶の姿が見えなくなった途端に、別のアゲハ蝶が飛んで来ました。 私が、 「あ、また、別のアゲハ蝶が飛...
無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.07 Tue 21:04
JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって Chapter 2 Bob's background "Bob, I finally understood the meaning of my dream, which you and I didn't understand.'' "Which dream are you talking about?" "When I'm watching a movie at the movie theater..." "Oh, I remember. The manager came and said to you, 'The movie showing period is two and a h...
無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.06 Mon 20:49
JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって Chapter 1 Struggling with nightmare Sasha was walking on the Xi-an Road in Changchun city in Jilin Province, China. The full-scale winter hadn’t come yet, but it was already below -10℃. As she walked, shivering, she noticed that her boyfriend, Park Yeong-soo, a Korean ethnic minority in China, was walking in front of her. ”Yeong-soo!” She called h...
無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.04 Sat 17:14
JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって One morning, Yeong-soo said to Sasha. "I don't want you to worry, so I'll tell you in advance. Tonight, after work, I'll have to entertain a guest from Korea. So, I don't think I'll be able to go home today. You can go to bed first." "Okay. Well then, I'm going to go out with my friends for the first time in a long while." "Goo...
無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.04 Sat 11:57
JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって Bob sighed deeply as if saying that Yeong-soo is hopeless and said in fluent Korean. "게다가 자네가 장래에 결혼할여자는 사샤가 아니고, 자네가 지금 쫓아다니는 이ȣ...
無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.04 Sat 08:22
JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって 一昨日、こんな夢を見ました。 格闘家の朝倉海が、試合中に負傷し、暫く試合に出られなくなる。海は、兄の未来に、 「これからは、俺が、兄貴を支えるよ。俺の大事な兄貴だから。」 と言っている。 すぐに、私の実弟のことだと分かりました。今回も、お金が無くなって、彼にお金を借りました。今までの彼だったら、お金を貸しながら、色々、私が耳に痛い事を言ってたんですが、今回は、不思議なほど...
無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.03 Fri 19:25
JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって Bob felt something dangerous from behind, instead of turning only his head, Bob turned his head with his whole body casting a cross-block of Kungfu. There was a loud bang, and Park Yeong-soo's upper roundhouse kick was blocked. If Bob had turned only his head first, Yeong-soo would have knocked out Bob with a roundhouse kick. Just then, Irina also came out of the café, and she quickly realized ...
無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.03 Fri 13:19
JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって " I have a teacher from high school whom I respect very much. He is a math teacher, but he also has a deep knowledge of history and literature, and he can speak fluently English, French, and German, and he can also play the violin. Oh, and he's as good at drawing as a professional. He was a fencing champion when he was a student." "In other words, you worship that teacher." ...
無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.03 Fri 10:58
JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって " I have a teacher from high school whom I respect very much. He is a math teacher, but he also has a deep knowledge of history and literature, and he can speak fluently English, French, and German, and he can also play the violin. Oh, and he's as good at drawing as a professional. He was a fencing champion when he was a student." "In other words, you worship that teacher."  ...
無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.03 Fri 10:14
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