[pear_error: message="Success" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""] ダイエット・ヘルスのブログ記事をまとめ読み! 全3,846件の94ページ目 | JUGEMブログ

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このテーマに投稿された記事:3846件 | このテーマのURL:https://jugem.jp/theme/c118/1408/

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The frontier spirit

  It is fine today. The wind does not blow. It is sizzler. It is another two months until the presidential election in America. Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. of the President of existing U.S.A. He was brought up in complicated home environment. He is a super elite with advanced sense of balance skills. He seems to continue support for fair society realization in each domain. Willard Mitt Romney of former Massachusetts Governor. He was brought up in perfect home en...

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.09.08 Sat 13:55

the agelessness and deathlessness

  It is fine today. The wind does not blow. It is sizzler. Even if we do our best no matter how much, we cannot become the agelessness and deathlessness. When DNA was damaged for some kind of causes, our body does restoration and replication. It is thought that mutation happens to DNA, and it causes the aging then. In addition, when injury of DNA which is not restored is reprinted, a wrong base is introduced into DNA, and mutation is formed. These symptoms se...

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.09.07 Fri 17:55

お嬢様酵素 便秘

お嬢様酵素は便秘にも効果アリ! 便秘も解消できて、キレイにやせられるのがウレシイ! → お嬢様酵素 飲んだ次の日から便通がよくなって 便秘をしなくなったという口コミも多いんです! 1日に2回あることも。。。 便秘が解消されると、 お肌もつるつるになります♪ ニキビが減ったり、張ってたお腹がへこんだりして うれしいですよね〜♪ で、体重も少〜しずつ減るから リバウンドしにくい♪ さすが、話題のファスティングダイエットですね! JUGEMテーマ:ダイエット・ヘルス

お嬢様酵素 | 2012.09.06 Thu 23:43

on the ground

  It is fine today. Weak wind blows. It is sizzler. Cicadas call all at once to regret the end of this summer. Do they know their lasts? We lived for dozens of years. We lived recklessly until early 20s. Is the later life inertia? We are pressed every day by work and domestic miscellaneous trifles. If we neglect it in a day, they increase like a mountain. They do not really become so, but we are autosuggestion states. In other words we find the peace of the heart in the...

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.09.06 Thu 15:23

for a while

  It is fine today. The wind does not blow. It is sizzler. A gym is closed today. It is a day to cook the organic vegetables which I bought. Carrots. Eggplants. Tomatoes. Cucumbers. Green peppers. I ate in lunch other than carrots. A dish simmered in eggplant. It is green pepper roasting. The salad of the tomato & cucumber. They match cheap wine. My stomach seems to be burst. I strolled in the neighborhood of home some time ago. I felt hungry again. Every day is too ...

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.09.05 Wed 17:00


  It is fine calmly after a long absence today. Weak wind blows. Sunlight becomes very strong. Though the Diet does not do the dissolution of the House of Representatives in Japan either, news is full of elections for representative of main political parties. The Liberal Democratic Party of the opposition party yells threateningly that the next representative becomes the Prime Minister. We cannot choose the direct Prime Minister in Japan. It is parliamentary democracy....

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.09.04 Tue 17:33

a splendid season

  It is fine today for the moment. The weather turns busy. The wind does not blow. It is a relatively cool day. It came to seem to be autumn somehow. A summer restless sense is lost. We use all the energy that we have taken in! Such the feelings have faded away. With moisture. Calmly. It is the season of the appetite in autumn. It is a season of the art in autumn. It is a season to be lost in meditation in autumn. It is a season to have some pleasant matters in autumn. W...

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.09.03 Mon 15:12

American film

  It rains today. The wind does not blow. It is a relatively cool day. Let's take it easy today! It is Sunday. Let's watch a movie in a house! While drinking plum liqueur. Snacks of the liquor are quail omelet and tomato salad. Let's watch an American film today! A movie of Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone. It seems to be interesting! Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenadeJUGEMテーマ:ダイエット・ヘルス

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.09.02 Sun 16:31

sense of values

  It is fine today. Strong rain sometimes falls. The wind does not blow. Weather turns busy. Because we have hope, we can live. Even if the person accomplishes a great achievement, and it is loved and respected so much by people. If there is not hope, any human being cannot live. And it is unisex. Hope is definite aims. If even one is missing in many definite aims, we cannot live. We live every day desperately to protect them. Everybody is so. The people rega...

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.09.01 Sat 16:14

The feeling

  It is fine today. Weak wind blows. It is sizzler. Strong sunlight glares down in this district of Japan. The wind to blow gradually cools down, but most of the highest temperature does not withdraw. The quails of the house peck rinds of a fruit of the watermelon which I cooled. It looks delicious! I eat strawberry sherbet. It is very delicious! The feeling that split finely freezes. Most of the strawberry sherbet is drugs! Furthermore, I already want to e...

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.08.31 Fri 16:57


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