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  It is clouded today. Weak wind blows. It is a chilly day.  The owner of the flower shop of the Nagoya Prince of orange first floor went back to Japan from France.  It was vacation of approximately one month!  She makes a voyage to France by work several times every year. However, the long vacation like this time is rare. Because she sent information using blog from France, I enjoyed them very much every day. fleuriste blanche blog. It is photographs ...

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.09.25 Tue 12:44


  It is fine today. Weak wind blows. It is a relatively cool day. I watched the blue sky today. While feeling autumn cool soft breezes. If we think about nothing, we can spend peaceful days. We should reset ways of thinking decisively on the day when a heart is tiring, and drafts blow in a body. The situation improve for the better by all means. The matters that human beings have are not worth much. Everything comes to those who wait. If we do so it, daily life...

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.09.24 Mon 21:20


  I went to Nagoya today. It is work. I just came home. Nagoya cleared from noon. After all Nagoya was hot. Is there a somehow autumn sign? Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenadeJUGEMテーマ:ダイエット・ヘルス

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.09.24 Mon 00:13


  It is clouded today. The wind does not blow. It is a relatively cool day. I cleaned the warehouse today from morning. Electric equipment were considerably rusted. I just put them in the warehouse in the tools which I used to make a quail hut three months ago. It has been the early afternoon when I polished them with the oil which took the rust. Lunch is easily spaghetti. Sources are cod roes and basils. They are retort pouches. The garnish fried a German potato with bacon...

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.09.22 Sat 19:37


JUGEMテーマ:ダイエット・ヘルス朝の情報番組TBS「はなまるマーケット」(9月18日放送)”林真理子30年のダイエット人生 / 一番やせるのはコレ”というコーナーに林真理子さんが出演されてました。久しぶりにお顔を拝見したのですが『桃栗3年 美女三十年』桃栗三年美女三十年 an・an名物連載美女入門スペシャル (単行本・ムック) / 林真理子/著 CD&DVD NEOWING 楽天市場で探すAmazonで探すYahooショッピングで探すYahooオークションで探す価格.comで探すby カエレバ綺麗になりたい人は必見です!?林真理子さんは若いころと比...

美しくなるために、きれいを磨きませんか? | 2012.09.22 Sat 12:44

a sleepwalker

  It is fine today. Weak wind blows. It is a relatively hot day. I went to a Japanese confectioner nearby today. There is a confectioner of Yamagata. Quite rare steamed buns form a line in the shop. There is zunda mochi. It is bean jam of the green soybean. There is the rice dumpling covered with bean jam of the sweet bean paste with mashed chestnut, too. Of course there is the common rice dumpling covered with bean jam. "The egg of the crow" which covered the chestnut wit...

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.09.21 Fri 19:58

specially made

  It is fine today. Most of the wind does not blow. It becomes the sizzler. This district cools down from sunset. It is time for pleasant supper. I was taught bird cooking to the madam of the neighboring farmhouse direct sale place yesterday. Then, I went shopping with the madam in the wholesale dealer supermarket nearby. All products are deep-discount! We have bought a lot of foods. And today's supper is teriyaki of the birds. I pickled chicken to specially made sauce from...

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.09.20 Thu 19:50

a sad season

  It rained today. It stops now. Weak wind blows. It is a relatively cool day. It is the entering of the equinoctial week today in Japan. In this district, wind lets us feel autumn. The season of the crop. And a season sad. This season passes at a quick pace every year. It is really instant. Harvest festivals are held everywhere in Japan from this time to the end of November. There seems to be "autumn taste" ranking to feel autumn when this is sold. A chestnut. A saury. A ...

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.09.19 Wed 18:42

Let's begin

  Weather changes busily today. It is fine now. The wind does not blow. It is a relatively hot and humid day. When it is night, the great chorus of insects begins. It comes to seem to be autumn somehow at night in this district. I become strangely sleepy every year when it becomes like autumn. Other people begin to energize at this time, but I sleep earnestly. I cannot often get up in morning. I do not remember most of the dreams. I found honey diet today when I...

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.09.18 Tue 21:00

It is the day

  Weather changes busily today. It is clouded now. Weak wind blows. It is a relatively hot and humid day. We reach a quiet holiday in Japan. Respect for the Aged Day. It is the day when nations love and respect the old man who devoted himself to the society for many years. And it is the day when nations celebrate their longevity. By the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations, it assumes a person 65 years or older an elderly pe...

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.09.17 Mon 17:58


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