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仮面猫の変身日記 | 2012.10.11 Thu 23:22


JUGEMテーマ:ダイエット・ヘルス  It is fine today. Weak wind blows. It is a relatively hot day. Professor Shinya Yamanaka enlivens the media in Japan. He is a professor at Kyoto University. And he won Nobel Prize for Medicine the other day. He established the development of induced pluripotent stem cells. He has splendid talent and is superior in insight. And he is discernibly faithful. He is a hard drinker. He is full of wit. He runs full marathon. He loves families. He is a rare c...

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.10.11 Thu 19:50


JUGEMテーマ:ダイエット・ヘルス  It is fine today. Weak wind blows. It is a relatively cool day.I went to Yokohama today. It is work. I just came home. Yokohama completely becomes autumnal, too. It is a comfortable day! Nekogahora rues de Nagoya et Yokohama Atsugi promenade

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.10.10 Wed 18:02


JUGEMテーマ:ダイエット・ヘルス  唐辛子 トウガラシ 「とうがらし」の栄養   乾燥した「とうがらし」 1g (約2個)で、1日の推奨量に対し、以下の割合を 摂取できます。 栄養素名 割合 ビタミンE 4% ビタミンB6 3% 食物繊維総量 3% レチノール当量 3% 他の栄養素は3%未満    (※推奨量は30代女性の値で計算しています。) 食べ過ぎたときはカロリミット!! //************************ ...

食品 栄養表 | 2012.10.09 Tue 21:34

autumnal scenery

JUGEMテーマ:ダイエット・ヘルス  It is fine this morning. Weak wind blows. It is a relatively cool day.I went from morning to Nagoya yesterday. It is work. I came home late last night. I was on the way home, and the Tomei Expressway was congested in accidents very much.In Nagoya, both Nekogahora street and Yagotoishizaka were autumnal scenery.Nearby Chukyo University and Meijo University nestle brightly. The sky of Garden Apartment House Yagotoishizaka of Yagoto went down calmly. Nek...

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.10.09 Tue 19:03


JUGEMテーマ:ダイエット・ヘルス 卵 (全卵) の栄養  可食部 100gのカロリー:(全卵/生)151kcal (卵黄/生)387kcal (卵白/生) 47kcal (卵白/ゆで) 50kcal  全卵には、コレステロール、ビタミンD、ビタミンB12、ビタミンB2、パントテン酸、 レチノール当量、が多く含まれます。  卵(全卵)の可食部 50g (Mサイズ、約1個)で、1日の推奨量に対し、 以下の割合を摂取できます。 栄養素名 割合 ビタミンD 30% ビタミ...

食品 栄養表 | 2012.10.08 Mon 19:24


JUGEMテーマ:ダイエット・ヘルス   「もやし」の栄養  もやし1袋は、重さ:250〜300g カロリー:35〜42kcal  「もやし」には、葉酸が多く含まれます。  ゆでた「もやし」 50g (ラーメンに乗っている量)で、1日の推奨量に対し、 以下の割合を摂取できます。 栄養素名 割合 葉酸 7% 食物繊維総量 4% 銅 4% 鉄 3% ビタミンK 2% ビタミンB2 2% たんぱく質 2% カルシウム 2% 他の栄養素は2%未満  ...

食品 栄養表 | 2012.10.08 Mon 19:18

a quiet day

  It rained in the morning, but it is fine today from the afternoon. Weak wind blows. It is a relatively cool day. Today is the second day of 3 consecutive holidays. It is a quiet day. It has been the evening all too soon when I cleaned the rooms from morning. Today's supper makes pork cutlets. I make the grated radish source. It is Japanese-style simply. It is exquisiteness when I mix it with a pork cutlet source. I can eat even several cups of rice. The cabb...

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.10.07 Sun 18:50

wrapped in gentleness

  It is fine today. Weak wind blows. It is a relatively cool day. I took a nap by the window which comfortable wind blew. It is the first day of three holidays today in Japan. It seems to be fine calmly in this district with three days. If human beings expect nothing, human beings may find happiness more. If human beings entrust this position as the Nature proceeds. There is great will to Nature after all. The expansion and the shrinkage. Creation and destruction. The ci...

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.10.06 Sat 17:00

how many names ?

  It is fine today. The wind does not blow. It is a relatively hot day. How many people can we say the name of people who got to know so far since we were young? Or even friends are good. I remember around ten friends. I remember their features, but do not remember names. I do not remember even their nicknames. The incidence of the dementia increases in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) seemed to announce that incidence of the dementia swelled to current...

猫洞通Nagoya プリンス オブ オレンジ | 2012.10.05 Fri 18:16


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