●Series Contents This is a collection of AI images that tells the story of a strong, fierce, and beautiful female pirate who targeted corrupt government transport ships and fought for the poor islanders during the Age of Discovery. 大航海時代に腐敗した政府軍の輸送艦を標的にし、貧しい島民のために戦っていた屈強で荒々しく、美麗な女海賊の物語のAI画像集です。 ●AI-Generated Prompts / AI生成プロンプト(原文) In the cabin of the pirate ship, the female pirate fini...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.10.14 Mon 07:55
JUGEMテーマ:風景印 JUGEMテーマ:キャラクター いろいろ 岡山中央局の第74回全国植樹祭の小型印です。 開催都道府県は毎年変わります。 岡山県のイメージキャラクター「ももっち・うらっち」を使用した 「シンボルマーク」が描かれています。 令和6年5月26日付でK.Sさんに頂きました。 いつもありがとうございます。
風景印展示館 Virtual Forest(架空の森) | 2024.10.10 Thu 16:15
Superheroine of justice fighting evil / 悪と戦う正義のスーパーヒロイン 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Prologue / プロローグ - The superheroine is an orphan who escapes from a dying planet in outer space. She was raised as a human by an Earthling couple, but as she grows up, she awakens to her innate sense of justice and supernatural powers, and begins to fight against an evil organization. スーパーヒロインは、滅亡に瀕し...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.10.03 Thu 04:36
Momentary Rest of Female investigator in a white suit who fights against criminal organizations / 犯罪組織と戦うホワイトスーツの女捜査官の束の間の休息 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Rest / 休息 - The captured female investigator managed to escape from the guards and escape the hideout of the evil organization. She was able to take a brief rest from her fierce days of fighting. 捕らわれていた女捜査官は監視の目を逃れて、かろう...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.09.25 Wed 04:55
Defeated female ninja who became a "runaway ninja" to clear the grudge of her clan / 敗北した一族の無念を晴らす為に自ら「抜け忍」となった女忍者 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Defeated / 敗北 - A female ninja defeated the enemies that came rushing in one after another, but due to the surprise attack and being outnumbered, she was unable to fight satisfactorily and was defeated. なだれ込ん出来た敵を次々と打ち負かしてきた女忍者...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.09.15 Sun 11:40
●Series Contents This is a collection of AI images of a seductive superheroine dressed in a white bodysuit. ホワイトのボディスーツに身を包んだ妖艶なスーパーヒロインの物語のAI画像集です。 ●AI-Generated Prompts / AI生成プロンプト(原文) The superheroine seems to be very satisfied now that she's finished having sex with you. She is lying on the ground, basking in the afterglow. And she was thinking about her future with you. (AI生成プロンプ...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.09.01 Sun 16:57
JUGEMテーマ:風景印 JUGEMテーマ:キャラクター いろいろ 向島局の猫のダヤン40周年記念の小型印です。 絵本作家の池田あきこさんの作品に登場する猫のダヤンの 誕生40周年を記念して2024年1月、2月、3月と絵柄が月替わりでした。 令和6年3月14日付でK.Sさんに頂きました。 いつもありがとうございます。
風景印展示館 Virtual Forest(架空の森) | 2024.08.19 Mon 23:47
This is a collection of AI images of beautiful female cyber warriors in futuristic combat gear. AI-Generated Prompts / AI生成プロンプト(原文) The female warrior of the cyber world has finished her sexual relations with you, and when she puts on a plug suit made using cutting-edge technology, she kneels down before you and joins you in your cyber world. She pledges to serve as your very own female warrior. (AI生成プロンプト日本語訳) 電脳世界の女戦士は、...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.08.18 Sun 13:53
This is a collection of AI images of beautiful female knights in gold color armor. AI-generated prompts(AI生成プロンプト原文) After discussing future fortress battles and castle defense strategies and tactics, the Golden Knight slowly lies down on the bed and invites you. You cannot refuse her attractive invitation. AI生成プロンプト(日本語訳) 今後の要塞戦や城の防衛の戦略や戦術などのディスカッションが終わると、黄金の女騎士は、ゆっくりとベッド...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.08.11 Sun 16:30
This is a collection of AI images of various types of beautiful superheroines in various scenes. "Beautiful Superheroines Volume 2" is a collection of images of super heroines inspired by American comics, female space warriors, and works inspired by game characters. All of the characters are gorgeous and graceful heroines who exude adult charm. 【Gallery / ギャラリー】 - Patreon - This image and other image collection...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.08.04 Sun 17:20
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