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An Asian warrior who is satisfied with you and immerses herself in the afterglow. / 貴方に満足し、余韻に浸るアジアの女戦士 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Satisfaction / 余韻 - The Asian female warrior seems to be very satisfied after having sex with you. She is lying on her bed enjoying her afterglow. And she was thinking about her future with you on her bed. アジアの女戦士は、貴方との男女の営みが終わり、とても満足しているよ...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2023.12.24 Sun 07:16
A female warrior who fights the demons of the female demon world who invites you to bed. / 貴方をベッドに誘う女魔界の魔物と戦う女戦士 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Prologue / プロローグ - She was born into an aristocratic family that pledged allegiance to the royal family, but there was no male heir, and from an early age she swore to become a female knight to protect the royal family. Since she was a child, she has been going ...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2023.12.12 Tue 20:06
Defeat of a female investigator fighting an evil organization / 敗北した悪の組織と戦う女捜査官 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Defeated / 敗北 - A female investigator infiltrates an evil organization as an undercover investigator. However, she was betrayed by an ally and her identity was exposed. She engaged in a fierce battle with the fighters of the evil organization, and she mowed down the tough fighters one after another. However, she fell into...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2023.12.03 Sun 05:03
Military soldier is inviting you / 貴方を誘う女兵士 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Invitation / 誘惑 - After confirming the future battle strategy with you in the military tent and discussing how to capture the enemy base, the strong female soldier slowly lies down on the ground. And I invite you gently. You cannot refuse her attractive invitation. 軍用テントの中で、貴方と今後の戦闘方針の確認や敵基地の攻略方法などの打ち合わせ...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2023.11.20 Mon 05:36
A female knight relaxing after days of intense battle / 激しかった戦いの日々から離れ、くつろいでいる女騎士 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Relaxing / リラックス - In a relaxed atmosphere, the female knight consults with you about future strategies, castle security, and the royal family's protection system. It seems like she has complete trust in you. You are giving her sound advice about her future strategies and tactics. く...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2023.11.10 Fri 05:39
Defeated Superheroine of justice fighting evil. / 敗北した悪と戦う正義のスーパーヒロイン A large-sized image collection of this image is available to the public on Patreon. / この画像の大きなサイズの画像集は、パトロンにて一般公開中 The Page on Patreon → Defeated Superheroine Type E 【Glossary】 - Superheroine - Superheroines possess superhuman abilities such as magic, supernatural powers, transformation...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2023.10.28 Sat 07:31
Female knight of the Middle Ages is inviting you to the bed / 貴方をベッドに誘う中世時代の女騎士 A large-sized image collection of this image is available to the public on Patreon. / この画像の大きなサイズの画像集は、パトロンにて一般公開中 The Page on Patreon → Red Knight Inviting 1 【Glossary】 - Female Knight - A woman who holds the knightly class and mainly appears in fantasy works. She refers t...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2023.10.22 Sun 07:19
Defeated Superheroine of justice fighting evil / 敗北した悪と戦う正義のスーパーヒロイン A large-sized image collection of this image is available to the public on Patreon. / この画像の大きなサイズの画像集は、パトロンにて一般公開中 The Page on Patreon → Defeated Superheroine Type B 【Glossary】 - Superheroine - Superheroines possess superhuman abilities such as magic, supernatural powers, trans...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2023.10.17 Tue 19:53
JUGEMテーマ:キャラクター いろいろ ってことで現実的に考えると「碧ちゃんはやっぱりいじめられてないのがおかしい」と言う結論。 あの性格で体育の成績絶対にいいわけないwでなー(笑) 全くチームプレーできないこは大体体育が欠点とかなる(爆笑)でなー。 ってなるとやっぱり他が揃いすぎなのが逆にすごい欠点扱いされて見事にえげつなくいじめられるはずですのん。現実的に考えればそうですのん。 また見事にあの性格やしな!(笑) やっぱ漫画アニメ小説のキャラは人気取ってるやつのが現実に考え...
のほねこパート2 | 2022.10.24 Mon 08:19
JUGEMテーマ:キャラクター いろいろ あーあーあーあーあー。もうだめだこりゃ。百合男まで妄想参入してだめすぎ劇場決定です、はいはい。 ってか色々アランジさんにすみません劇場が、あーもー。 アランジさん結構女の子キャラも可愛いの増えたのにねーw 何時ぞやのポスト会のりすちゃん水着でグラビアアイドルwとかにゃ。可愛いですにゃ。 やっぱりなんとなく私って百合も好きなのは「大好きーw」「てれてれ」じゃないんですねえ、なんとも言われへんねえ。 も、もう一体何が何やら(爆笑) もう...
のほねこパート2 | 2022.10.23 Sun 16:45
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