[pear_error: message="Success" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""] 精神世界をめぐってのブログ記事をまとめ読み! 全988件の3ページ目 | JUGEMブログ

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このテーマに投稿された記事:988件 | このテーマのURL:https://jugem.jp/theme/c275/4316/

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Nightmare 2-22  ― Parting

JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって      Sasha went through the check-in process and dropped off her suitcase. All that was left was to go through the boarding gate and board the flight. As they reached the gate, Bob handed Sasha her carry-on luggage.   "Irina and Shiming are late. They said they would arrive at the airport when boarding procedures began." he said.   "Huh? Irina and Shiming aren't coming. They have cla...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.31 Fri 12:58

Nightmare 2-21  ― Final exam

JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって     "And then, what instructions did your master give you?"   "The rest was easy. - Find the dream space of the person seeking help, and enter there unnoticed. - Next, determine whether the person can accept your help. - If you determine that they can accept, find the right time to rescue them. Finally, when the time comes, help them. They are the instructions which our master gave us.    T...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.30 Thu 09:36

Nightmare 2-20  ― People who can\'t be saved

JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって     "That's true, but you need to get a firm grasp of reality first, so you don't waste precious time in your life getting involved with hopeless people."   "That way of thinking seems a bit cold to me, and I don't really like it. It sounds like dropping someone like a hot potato."   "Yeah, at first I thought the same way you did. But then I saw my senior apprentice fail at that, ...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.30 Thu 08:23

Nightmare 2-19  ― Telepathy

JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって     "So you warned me not to get caught up in a whirlpool of emotions."   "Of course, sometimes you influenced me and made me feel depressed. But there was another reason why I said that. If you went to sleep while still caught up in a whirlpool of emotions, the vibrations in your dream space would change too much and I wouldn't be able to help you."   "So that's what you meant. ...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.29 Wed 09:31

Nightmare 2-18  ― Observation of dream space

JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって     "When you walk through dream space, you realize that various spaces are in contact with your own space. To put it in Jungian terms, this is probably because all human beings are connected through the collective unconscious.    Master first instructed us to observe the dream spaces of others who were in contact with our own dream spaces. Observation might not be the correct word. It would be more accurate...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.28 Tue 12:12

Nightmare 2-17  ― Interaction in the dream space

JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって     "At that time, I had a fellow disciple whose name was Joe Washimi. He does Kungfu and Shorin-ryu karate, so sometimes we practiced martial arts together too. The master instructed Joe and I to find each other in our lucid dreams.    I didn't know the specific method, so I asked the master for advice, and he told me to start by sensing each other's presence through each other's appea...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.27 Mon 12:23

象徴夢 1007  ― 大空を翔る

JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって      龍に乗って、大空を翔る少年を見る。      久しぶりに龍が、夢に出て来ました。龍の背に跨っている少年は、私自身の象徴でしょう。    多分、これから、私の運命が大きく動き始める事になると思います。それを強く感じさせてくれる夢でした。              

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.27 Mon 10:03

Nightmare 2-16  ― To use dreams

JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって      Then, the public library I used to frequent came into view. I went inside for the first time in a long while and thought I might read a book. So I went to a place where there were books related to religion, philosophy, and the spiritual world. To my surprise, and there, I came across my ex-girlfriend Park Hye-ryeon.    'Oh, Bob, it’s been a while. I'm looking for the book you introdu...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.26 Sun 10:42

Nightmare 2-15  ― Fixation of dreams

JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって      In the beginning, I thought I was walking in Rhode Island, but I was mistaken. I was walking in Italy. As I continued walking, I even came into view of what looked like the house where I lived with my grandparents. I woke up while wondering what on earth it meant. "   "What did it mean?"   "I thought about it myself, but I couldn't figure it ou...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.25 Sat 12:19

Nightmare 2-14  ― Safeguard

JUGEMテーマ:精神世界をめぐって     "It can be said that the lucid dream world is more intricate and elastic."   "Can you explain about it in more detail?"   "In the lucid dream world, everything perceived through the senses—vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste—feels realistic. However, the molecules that make up the dream world seem more intricate than those in the real world."   "...

無意識との対話 Dialogues between the conscious and unconscious | 2024.05.24 Fri 08:33


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