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猫もいたけど、豹も出た〜お見舞い差し入れの週刊誌写真から「雪を蹴り挑む豹」発見!こんな色紙画に挑戦し、自分を叱咤激励する! ガンバ!!
むらさき水墨散歩 | 2012.09.03 Mon 01:20
The Microsoft chief executive doesn't flaunt it, but he's one of the richest men in the world - so rich that if the Seattle NBA team becomes a reality, Ballmer will be the league's richest owner. That's based on the Forbes ranking of the world's billionaires, which ranks Ballmer 44th (and 19th in the U.S.), with a fortune of $15.7 billion. It ranks Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen - currently the richest NBA team owner - at 48th globally with $14.2 billion. As a reader noted below, ...
nbajersey | 2012.06.14 Thu 16:44
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nbajersey | 2012.06.14 Thu 16:42
展覧会作品 「母の香り」ですむらさきに足りないもの繊細さと制作時間!今回は心して、丁寧に時間をかけたつもり大正ロマンの風を庭に咲いた椿の花と共に少々美人なのはごめんなさいよ強い香りではないが寒さに耐えて潔く咲く椿、そんな姿、母にも似て・・・「椿ね〜母の花いうたら雨の紫陽花か・薔薇か・カーネーションだろ?」外野席×
むらさき水墨散歩 | 2012.06.03 Sun 22:04
むらさき水墨散歩 | 2012.06.03 Sun 03:04
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