[pear_error: message="Success" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""]
listening -モノ + 空間 + コト- | 2010.08.25 Wed 21:49
listening -モノ + 空間 + コト- | 2010.08.25 Wed 21:47
We're gonna have another new member for this development, finally it'll advance.And I've made a note below to explain this App for new member.If there's something wrong, let me know.
appRISE | 2010.08.21 Sat 16:58
来週から開発メンバーが加わるので、ようやく前に進みそうです。 メンバーへの説明を兼ねて、簡単にイメージを作成しました。おかしかったらご意見下さい。
appRISE | 2010.08.21 Sat 16:57
I'm stuck...To begin with the passage, We're planning to develop the features below as the first prototype.1. Display the follower's list of Twitter *listed in order with a lot of communications with "RT or @", and must be followed each other.2. Send DM and introduction about this App selected from the list.And we use the rental Web server we're borrwing, 'Cause it provides PHP and mySQL for free. The processing flow is assumed to be an idea later, We're on the phase of examining the int...
appRISE | 2010.08.19 Thu 11:45
え〜〜。。おもいっきりハマっております。経過から説明しますと、プロトタイプ第一弾として、まずは下記機能を実装しようとしています。?Twitterのフォローリストを表示する ※表示条件は、相互フォローしており且つ「@」や「RT」のやりとりが多い順。twilog とかと同じ感じ。 ?リストからセレクティブにFacebookアカウントと本アプリの紹介をDM送信。※定型文プラス追記可能な感じ。できればTweetでTL上に発信も可能。利用する環境は、ちょうどappRISEで借りているホスティング・サービスの”ロリポップ”で、PHP、MySQLが使え...
appRISE | 2010.08.19 Thu 11:45
Socialnomics: How Social Media Transforms the Way We Live and Do BusinessA fascinating, research-based look at the impact of social media on businesses and consumers around the world, and what's in store for the future.How an appearance of Social Network tools, such as Facebook and Twitter, made changes on economy and society? introduced with some examples happend in U.S.- How president Obama succeeded the election- New generation who doesn't use E-mail- Old style media having very hard f...
appRISE | 2010.08.16 Mon 09:53
この業界では避けて通れない分野「クラウド」。クラウドの実体を知りたい方、動向をきちんとつかみたい方、長所・短所を知りたい方、技術やサービスを理解して導入を検討したい方などにお薦めの一冊。メジャーどころの、Google App Engine、Amazon EC2/S3、Windows Azure、Foce.comの特徴がわかりやすく説明されてます。クラウドを支える技術では、大規模分散処理、キーバリュー型データストアの概念、また、具体的にHadoopやMapReduce、fairyやROMAなどの説明もあります。章によってはコマンドレベルの深い説明までありまし...
appRISE | 2010.08.11 Wed 19:33
Although the outline of the application has been defined, it needs to investigate if it's feasible/where can be brought close to requirement.Key feature 1. Retrieving and Listing the facebook accounts by the follower list of TwitterI've checked out what information can be pulled out from Twitter.First of all, it confirms it on an official Twitter Developers site. http://dev.twitter.com/According to this, it seems to be able to use "REST API" for Twitter. It's shameful that I'm not ...
appRISE | 2010.08.11 Wed 10:04
The facebook application will be developed with my friend. The background and the outline are roughly as follows. < background and purpose >The more Twitter becomes a hit, the deeper the concern's for social media has been getting, and the more needs to effective use has been getting risen. Eventhough mixi is the biggest SNS in Japan, it is thought that the platform would change from Twitter -> facebook if the global situation is senn. (*especially, corp...
appRISE | 2010.08.09 Mon 11:20
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