[pear_error: message="Success" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""]
え〜〜。。おもいっきりハマっております。経過から説明しますと、プロトタイプ第一弾として、まずは下記機能を実装しようとしています。?Twitterのフォローリストを表示する ※表示条件は、相互フォローしており且つ「@」や「RT」のやりとりが多い順。twilog とかと同じ感じ。 ?リストからセレクティブにFacebookアカウントと本アプリの紹介をDM送信。※定型文プラス追記可能な感じ。できればTweetでTL上に発信も可能。利用する環境は、ちょうどappRISEで借りているホスティング・サービスの”ロリポップ”で、PHP、MySQLが使え...
appRISE | 2010.08.19 Thu 11:45
Socialnomics: How Social Media Transforms the Way We Live and Do BusinessA fascinating, research-based look at the impact of social media on businesses and consumers around the world, and what's in store for the future.How an appearance of Social Network tools, such as Facebook and Twitter, made changes on economy and society? introduced with some examples happend in U.S.- How president Obama succeeded the election- New generation who doesn't use E-mail- Old style media having very hard f...
appRISE | 2010.08.16 Mon 09:53
この業界では避けて通れない分野「クラウド」。クラウドの実体を知りたい方、動向をきちんとつかみたい方、長所・短所を知りたい方、技術やサービスを理解して導入を検討したい方などにお薦めの一冊。メジャーどころの、Google App Engine、Amazon EC2/S3、Windows Azure、Foce.comの特徴がわかりやすく説明されてます。クラウドを支える技術では、大規模分散処理、キーバリュー型データストアの概念、また、具体的にHadoopやMapReduce、fairyやROMAなどの説明もあります。章によってはコマンドレベルの深い説明までありまし...
appRISE | 2010.08.11 Wed 19:33
Although the outline of the application has been defined, it needs to investigate if it's feasible/where can be brought close to requirement.Key feature 1. Retrieving and Listing the facebook accounts by the follower list of TwitterI've checked out what information can be pulled out from Twitter.First of all, it confirms it on an official Twitter Developers site. http://dev.twitter.com/According to this, it seems to be able to use "REST API" for Twitter. It's shameful that I'm not ...
appRISE | 2010.08.11 Wed 10:04
The facebook application will be developed with my friend. The background and the outline are roughly as follows. < background and purpose >The more Twitter becomes a hit, the deeper the concern's for social media has been getting, and the more needs to effective use has been getting risen. Eventhough mixi is the biggest SNS in Japan, it is thought that the platform would change from Twitter -> facebook if the global situation is senn. (*especially, corp...
appRISE | 2010.08.09 Mon 11:20
The connectivity of a Mobile device and Cloud computing which requires connection with the network is congenial, and service on Cloud computing can obtain lots of profitable information from Mobile device. Therefore, a mobile device cannot be ignored for the major company that enters into Cloud marketing.Here, the offered services and the trend of the major company that enters a mobile industry from the IT industry.- Google - Cloud serviceSaas:Google Apps - e-mail "Gmail", map "Google M...
appRISE | 2010.08.02 Mon 18:53
Although telecommunication and mobile device has been advancing toward The world harmonize between mobile and Cloud Computing, we can have a glimpse of the world by iPhone and Android.Here are some cases- Service that uses location informationOne of the features of mobile device is that the service using location information is possible. Various services have already been provided by using cellular phone with GPS. However GPS has a fault which it gets unavailable where signal becomes weak suc...
appRISE | 2010.07.29 Thu 16:50
It is imperative for us to survive in this field, so I'm writing it down, nothing new though...There seems to be no common point between Mobile and Cloud Computing.Mobile is a small gadget that everyone has. Cloud Computing is a huge system that doesn't see the appearance. The 1st excerpts some points of The trend of Mobile to connect with Cloud Computing - The world where everyone has the past super computerIt is a big mistake that the function and the performance of a Mobile Device mi...
appRISE | 2010.07.27 Tue 12:08
I had some trouble with submit my blog to "Technorati", so I'll cover Technorati claim token process here. After you submit your site, Technorati will send you an email that will look something like this: Thank you for submitting your blog claim on Technorati. Technorati will need to verify that you are an author of the site http://www.thenextbigtechthing.com by looking for a unique code. We have just assigned the claim token N8R3T2X9PD2N to this claim. Please visit http://technor...
appRISE | 2010.07.12 Mon 15:16
ブログを始めてはや4年。まさか、こんなに続くとは思ってませんでした。これまで、日常のことから家づくり、買い物レビューなど、気の向くままに綴ってきたことでカテゴリーが膨れ上がりすぎたため、ブログを2つに分けることにしました。 listening -家づくり + xevo + 暮らし- (このブログ) テーマ : 家づくりと、日常のたわいのないこと http://blog.kyamamu.lomo.jp/ listening -モノ + 空間 + コト- (新設) テーマ : デジモノから生活雑貨まで、モノに関するレビュー http://mono.kyamamu.lomo.jp/テーマを絞る...
listening -家づくり + xevo + 暮らし- | 2010.06.28 Mon 09:44
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