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Japanese culture
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Japanese culture

このテーマに投稿された記事:75件 | このテーマのURL:https://jugem.jp/theme/c1/23262/
Japanese culture
Every day which is not special as for Japanese people

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JUGEMテーマ:Japanese culture   Today, I had a drinking party with my collegue. We went to Japanese style Izakaya in shizuoka city. The restaurant's name is "TOTOYA(ととや)” The fish dishes were very delicious, so I recommend you.   http://tabelog.com/shizuoka/A2201/A220101/22011260/   There is near Shizuoka station or Shin-Shizuoka station. It takes 3 minutes on foot from Shin-shizuoka station.   Shizuoka is fa...

SHIZUOKA Life | 2020.02.17 Mon 22:29


Winter solstice "touji" In Japan, it is said that  We do not catch cold when eating a pumpkin and taking a citron bath at winter solstice. the pumpkin tossed the red been citron bath "yuzu yu" JUGEMテーマ:Japanese culture

Every day "nichijou":Japanese Days which are not special | 2015.12.23 Wed 19:05

Changed color

In autumn, the color of the leaves turns into red or yellow   "kouyou" The Autumn leaves watching is enjoyed by many Japanese. JUGEMテーマ:Japanese culture  

Every day "nichijou":Japanese Days which are not special | 2015.12.22 Tue 04:45

Autumn leaves

maple  "momiji" At last ,the color of the leaves has begun to change. Colored leaves seem to be slow this year. JUGEMテーマ:Japanese culture

Every day "nichijou":Japanese Days which are not special | 2015.11.30 Mon 18:27

red tail

dragonfly "tombo" Japan is called in Archaic word "akitu-shima" This is a meaning called the islands that many dragonflies fly about. JUGEMテーマ:Japanese culture

Every day "nichijou":Japanese Days which are not special | 2015.11.13 Fri 23:34

Sweet pumpkin

JUGEMテーマ:Japanese culture pumpkin  "kabocha" Halloween became common in Japan. It is filled with the commercialism fragrance. In Japan, pumpkin eaten at winter solstice. We do not process it into a lantern.

Every day "nichijou":Japanese Days which are not special | 2015.10.31 Sat 22:36

All Blacks

JUGEMテーマ:Japanese culture Pteridophyta "shida" After all is the favorite the New Zealand on The Rugby World Cup ? The motif of the emblem of All Blacks is not a feather.

Every day "nichijou":Japanese Days which are not special | 2015.10.24 Sat 00:57

Children's Day

JUGEMテーマ:Japanese culture            Children's Day "kodomo-no-hi""tanngo-no-sekku" Carp streamer "koi-nobori" Kids are social treasure.

Every day "nichijou":Japanese Days which are not special | 2014.05.05 Mon 19:19


JUGEMテーマ:Japanese culture            see you "matane" Regret floral gone…

Every day "nichijou":Japanese Days which are not special | 2014.04.22 Tue 18:15


JUGEMテーマ:Japanese culture            Of the cold come back "kan-no-modori" Even if it is April in Japan, there is a cold day. Let's be careful about physical condition management.  

Every day "nichijou":Japanese Days which are not special | 2014.04.18 Fri 19:02


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