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●Series Contents This is a collection of AI images that tells the story of a beautiful, voluptuous female knight with silver hair and wearing silver armor adorned with jewels, who has sworn loyalty to the royal family. 王家に忠誠を尽くすと誓った宝飾品で装飾されたシルバーの鎧を身にまとった銀髪が特徴の端麗で豊熟した女騎士の物語のAI画像集です。 ●AI-Generated Prompts / AI生成プロンプト(原文) After the Silver knight has finished having sex with you, she put on...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.11.23 Sat 14:35
Defeated superheroine of justice who fights evil / 敗北した悪と戦う正義のスーパーヒロイン 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Defeated / 敗北 - A superheroine has fallen into a cowardly trap of an evil organization. The fighters of the evil organization took the girl hostage and blocked the superheroine's movements. And then she ends up suffering her defeat. スーパーヒロインは、悪の組織の卑怯な罠に掛かってしまった。悪の組織の...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.11.05 Tue 05:07
●Series Contents This is a collection of AI images of various types of beautiful superheroines in various scenes. 様々なシーンで活躍する様々なタイプの美しいスーパーヒロインのAI画像集です。 "Superheroine Collection" is a collection of AI images of various types of heroines inspired by super heroines in American comics, protagonists from fighting games and 18+ games, and more, featuring scenes of them appearing or relaxing. 「スーパーヒロイン コレク...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.10.27 Sun 17:51
●Series Contents This is an AI anthology image collection of various scenes featuring various types of lovely and cute characters. さまざまななタイプの可憐で可愛いらしいキャラクターたちのさまざまなシーンのAIアンソロジー画像集です。 ”Cute Gallery" is a collection of AI images of various types of characters in various scenes, such as a lovely princess from the Middle Ages, a dignified female sheriff from the frontier days, a female captain from the Ag...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.10.20 Sun 16:56
●Series Contents This is a collection of AI images that tells the story of a strong, fierce, and beautiful female pirate who targeted corrupt government transport ships and fought for the poor islanders during the Age of Discovery. 大航海時代に腐敗した政府軍の輸送艦を標的にし、貧しい島民のために戦っていた屈強で荒々しく、美麗な女海賊の物語のAI画像集です。 ●AI-Generated Prompts / AI生成プロンプト(原文) A female pirate was captured by government forces, but ...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.10.13 Sun 13:37
Defeated female pirate fighting against corrupt government forces / 敗北した政府軍と戦う女海賊 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Defeated / 敗北 - Her pirate ship was ambushed by a government fleet. Her pirate ship put up a good fight against a powerful fleet, but her ship was defeated. More and more government sailors board her pirate ship, and the female pirate is defeated. 彼女の海賊船が政府の艦隊の待ち伏せ攻撃にあった。彼女...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.10.01 Tue 05:06
●Series Contents This is a collection of AI images from the story of a superheroine dressed in a bodysuit with an elegant white and gold color combination. ホワイトとゴールドのカラーコンビネーションのボディースーツを颯爽と身にまとった優美なスーパーヒロインの物語のAI画像集です。 ●AI-Generated Prompts / AI生成プロンプト(原文) The superheroine, who has sworn loyalty to you, has started doing unaccustomed housework and cooking for you. The way she p...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.09.18 Wed 17:18
Female space soldiers who protect space security is inviting you / 貴方を誘う宇宙の治安を守る宇宙の女兵士 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Invitation / 誘惑 - At a space base in planetary orbit, after a meeting with you about countermeasures against the invading aliens, the female soldier slowly lies down on the bed and gently invites you in. You cannot refuse her charming invitation. 惑星軌道上の宇宙基地で貴方と侵攻してくるエ...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.09.08 Sun 07:04
Defeated superheroine of justice fighting evil / 敗北した悪と戦う正義のスーパーヒロイン 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Prologue / プロローグ - The superheroine is an orphan who escapes from a dying planet in outer space. She was raised as a human by an Earthling couple, but as she grows up, she awakens to her innate sense of justice and supernatural powers, and begins to fight against an evil organization. スーパーヒロインは、滅...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.08.22 Thu 04:17
Female undercover investigator pledges to serve only you / 貴方だけに尽くすと誓約する女潜入捜査官 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Oath / 誓約 - After the female investigator has completed their sexual intercourse with you, she puts on her suit again, kneels in front of you, and vows to serve as your very own female investigator. 女捜査官は、貴方との男女の営みが終わり、再びスーツを身にまとうと、貴方の前に膝ざまづき...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.08.12 Mon 06:30
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