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SF映画 一般
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SF映画 一般

このテーマに投稿された記事:448件 | このテーマのURL:https://jugem.jp/theme/c175/2897/
SF映画 一般

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Defeated Knight C 1 / 敗北した女騎士 C

Defeated golden female knight who is loyal to her master / 敗北した主君に忠誠を尽くす黄金の女騎士       【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Prologue / プロローグ -   She has been going to the castle since she was a child, training herself among the strong knights. Wearing gold armor, she defeated many powerful enemies, and was feared by her enemies, who called her the "Golden Knight."   彼女は、幼少の頃から城に通い、屈強な騎士に混...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.07.18 Thu 04:40

Romance of Investigator Type C 1 / 女捜査官 C のロマンス 1

The days of love of Female undercover investigator / 女潜入捜査官の愛の日々       【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Romance / ロマンス -   The Investigator lies on the bed and greets you. And you and she will enjoy a romance just the two of you.   女捜査官は、ベッドの上に横たわり、貴方を迎える。そして、貴方と彼女は、二人だけのロマンスを楽しむ。     【Gallery / ギャラリー】 - Pixiv /ピクシブ -   ...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.06.24 Mon 05:48

Space Commander Prologue 1 / 宇宙戦艦の女艦長プロローグ 1

A female captain commanding a space battleship / 宇宙戦艦を指揮する女艦長       【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Prologue / プロローグ -   After graduating from the Space Military Academy, she continued to serve in the Starfleet and has now become a captain. She is highly respected by Starfleet Command and trusted by her subordinates.   彼女は、宇宙軍士官学校を卒業後、宇宙艦隊勤務を続け、今では艦長を務めるまでに至った。宇宙艦隊司令部から...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.06.02 Sun 10:26

Investigator C Interrogation 2 / 尋問される女捜査官

A female undercover investigator who investigates and attacks evil organizations who is subjected to harsh interrogation. / 厳しい尋問を受ける悪の組織を捜査し叩く女潜入捜査官       【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Interrogation / 尋問 -   A female investigator is captured by an evil organization and is subjected to merciless interrogation by the villains. However, she does not divulge information about her investigative agency. The villains contin...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.05.10 Fri 05:07

Superheroine G Interrogation 2

Captured Superheroine undergoes harsh interrogation / 厳しい尋問を受ける捕獲されたスーパーヒロイン       【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Interrogation / 尋問 -   The captured superheroine is brutally interrogated by the villains. However, she does not divulge information about her allies. Furthermore, her villains continue to subject her to intense interrogation.   捕られたスーパーヒロインは、悪党たちから容赦のない尋問を受ける。しかし...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.04.09 Tue 05:37

Pink Knight Interrogation 1 / 尋問されるピンクの女騎士

Captured Pink Knight undergoes harsh interrogation / 厳しい尋問を受ける捕獲されたピンクの女騎士       【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Interrogation / 尋問 -   The captured female pink knight is subjected to merciless interrogation by enemy knights. However, she does not divulge information about her allies. Furthermore, her enemy knights continue to interrogate her even more intensely.   捕られたピンクの女騎士は、敵の騎士たちから容赦の...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.03.13 Wed 05:19

Defeated Superheroine Type G 2 / 敗北したスーパーヒロインG 2

Defeated Superheroine of justice fighting evil / 敗北した悪と戦う正義のスーパーヒロイン       【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Defeated / 敗北 -   The superheroine defeated the fighters of the evil organization one after another, but she ended up falling into the evil organization's cowardly trap. The fighters of the evil organization take the girl hostage, block the superheroine's movements, and mercilessly attack her. In the end, she suf...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.02.21 Wed 05:10

White Knight Rest / 白の女騎士の束の間の休息

Momentary Rest of white knight / 白の女騎士の束の間の休息       【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Rest / 休息 -   The White Knight, who was captured by the enemy, was in a critical situation. However, she was rescued by you and her knights, and she was able to return to the castle safely. She was able to take a momentary break from the fierce battles in her castle.   敵に拘束されていた白の女騎士は、危機的状況だった。しかし、貴方と味方の...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.02.03 Sat 06:45

Space Warrior Serving / 貴方に尽くす宇宙の女戦士

A female warrior from space housework for you. / 貴方の為に慣れない家事をする宇宙の女戦士       【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Serving / 奉仕 -   A female warrior from space who has sworn loyalty to you has begun doing unaccustomed housework and cooking for you on the spaceship. The way she prepares the unfamiliar food is so clumsy that you can't believe she's the same female warrior who terrified the aliens. Right now, she is as clumsy ...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.01.22 Mon 05:14

Captured Space Warrior / 捕らわれた宇宙の女戦士

Captured female space warrior who protects the earth / 捕らわれた地球を守る宇宙の女戦士       【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Captured / 捕獲 -   Her space battleship was defeated in a fierce firefight with an alien space fleet, and was captured by the enemy. A female warrior from space has also been captured by aliens. She is restrained so that she cannot move and is told that she will soon be subjected to severe interrogation.   異星...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.01.14 Sun 13:42


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