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Captured female space warrior who protects the earth / 捕らわれた地球を守る宇宙の女戦士 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Captured / 捕獲 - Her space battleship was defeated in a fierce firefight with an alien space fleet, and was captured by the enemy. A female warrior from space has also been captured by aliens. She is restrained so that she cannot move and is told that she will soon be subjected to severe interrogation. 異星...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.01.14 Sun 13:42
A female warrior from space who pledges to serve only you / 貴方だけに尽くすと誓約する宇宙の女戦士 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Oath / 誓約 - The female warrior of space has finished her sexual intercourse with you, and has also donned a spacesuit made using the most advanced technology. Then she knelt down in front of you. She pledges to serve as your personal warrior. 宇宙の女戦士は、貴方との男女の営みが終わり、また...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2023.12.30 Sat 07:33
Superheroine's Momentary Rest / スーパーヒロインの束の間の休息 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Rest / 休息 - The superheroine was captured by an evil organization's cowardly trap, but she was able to escape from surveillance and escape from the evil organization's hideout. She decided to take a break from her intense fighting days in her hometown. スーパーヒロインは悪の組織の卑怯な罠によって捕らわれていたが、監視...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2023.12.29 Fri 14:07
川崎『どこからわいて出やがった』 稲葉『(土下座)どうもすいませんでした!頭変になっちゃう!わ、私の負けです!』 雄喜『うかつだったぜ』 美奈子『吐いちゃう!イジメられてボク壊れちゃったよ!!ひゃうぅ!(放屁)』 AAAニコー『敗れた者が死ぬのです』 志門『ヒィィッ!パンパンになっちゃう!い、いやーん(失禁)』 伴野『ふざけんじゃねえ』 一夫『レイプされて地獄悪魔の私はシャブ漬けなの!!身も心もメチャクチャなのー!(女物の下着を穿いて脱糞する)』 安奈『アドナイ・ツァバオト』 邦子『ケツマンコのボクを...
天才・裕幸のブログ | 2023.12.27 Wed 20:06
A super heroine who pledges to serve only you / 貴方だけに尽くすと誓約するスーパーヒロイン 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Oath / 誓約 - Once the superheroine has completed their sexual intercourse with you and dons a bodysuit and armor that generates superpowers, she kneels before you and vows to serve as your very own superheroine. スーパーヒロインは、貴方との男女の営みが終わり、また、超能力を生成するボデ...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2023.12.21 Thu 04:49
A space warrior who is satisfied with you and immerses herself in the afterglow. / 貴方に満足し、余韻に浸る宇宙の女戦士 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Satisfaction / 余韻 - The female warrior of the universe seems to be very satisfied now that her lovemaking with you is over. She is lying on her bed enjoying her afterglow. And while she was looking at the endless stars from the spaceship window, she was thinking about her future with you. ...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2023.12.10 Sun 05:46
Superheroines who stand against evil / 悪に立ち向かうスーパーヒロイン達 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Prologue / プロローグ - The superheroine is an orphan who escapes from a planet in outer space that boasts an advanced civilization but is on the verge of extinction as its sun reaches the end of its lifespan. She was raised as a human by an Earthling couple, but as she grows up, she awakens to her original sense of justice and sup...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2023.12.05 Tue 19:31
A female warrior in space who protects the earth is inviting you / 貴方を誘う地球を守る宇宙の女戦士 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Invitation / 誘惑 - After a discussion with you about future interplanetary conflicts and battle strategies and tactics, the female space warrior lies down on the bed and invites you. You cannot refuse her attractive invitation. 貴方と今後の惑星間抗争への対策や戦闘時の戦略や戦術などのディスカ...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2023.11.22 Wed 05:11
A female warrior in space who protects the earth is inviting you / 貴方を誘う地球を守る宇宙の女戦士 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Invitation / 誘い - After a discussion with you about future interplanetary conflicts and battle strategies and tactics, the female space warrior lies down on the bed and invites you. You cannot refuse her attractive invitation. 貴方と今後の惑星間抗争への対策や戦闘時の戦略や戦術などのディスカッシ...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2023.11.05 Sun 08:32
JUGEMテーマ:SF映画 一般
BATTLE LINE SIMULATION | 2023.07.03 Mon 08:14
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