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Yuseiji―the only head temple and central training center of HBS

               Yuseiji, the head temple of Honmon Butsuryu Shu, is the oldest temple of all Nichiren Buddhism sects in the Kansai region (south-western half of Japan, including Osaka, Kyoto and Kobe). Originally, it was called Seiryu Zushi (the “green willow shrine”) Honmonji temple and established by Nichiben Shonin in 1308 (the first year of Enkei era) who was one of Nichiren Shonin’s direct disciples. The temple is said to origi...

Teachings of True Buddhism―Honmon Butsuryu Shu 本門佛立宗 | 2014.10.04 Sat 14:02

Nissen Shonin―the founder of Honmon Butsuryu Shu

                Nissen Shonin (Seifu Nagamatsu) was born into the OOJI, a merchant family in Muro-machi, Takoyakushi-dori, Kyoto city at the end of the EDO period, in 1817 (the fourteenth year of Bunka era). He was naturally talented in art and literature, and at his age of nine, his name was in the part of calligraphers and painters on Heian Jinbutsushi, a directory of well-known people in Kyoto of the Edo period. At the young age before 30, he tra...

Teachings of True Buddhism―Honmon Butsuryu Shu 本門佛立宗 | 2014.10.04 Sat 10:13

Nichiryu Shonin―a reincarnation of Nichiren Shonin

         Nichiryu Shonin was born as the son of Hisanori MOMOI, a samurai and Ume no kami (Captain of Umaryo, Right Division of Bureau of Horses) and Tomiko on October 14, 1385 (the fourteenth of the tenth month of the second year of Shitoku period) in Shima village, Imizu-Asai district (present Imizu city, Toyama prefecture). He entered the Buddhist priesthood at Onjoji temple in Asai district at his age of twelve and it was in the midst of the wars between the N...

Teachings of True Buddhism―Honmon Butsuryu Shu 本門佛立宗 | 2014.09.30 Tue 08:29

Our great master, Nichiren Shonin―Jogyo Bodhisattva reborn

         Nichiren Shonin was born in a fisherman family in Kominato on the Boso peninsula, present Chiba prefecture, on February 16, 1222 (the sixteenth of the second month of the fourth year of Jokyu period). On the day of his birth, a lot of Kizui (auspicious omen) occurred: lotus flowers bloomed in the ocean, spring water came out of the garden, etc. At the time he was born, the country was shaken by civil wars and ravaged by epidemics. As he grew up, he began ...

Teachings of True Buddhism―Honmon Butsuryu Shu 本門佛立宗 | 2014.09.24 Wed 13:55

Arigatogozaimasu―an expression used when HBS members greet each other

            When HBS members meet each other, we say Arigatogozaimasu as a daily greeting. It sounds strange to people in general because usual greetings between Japanese themselves are Ohayo (in the morning), Konnichiwa (in the afternoon), and Konbanwa (in the evening). When we thank someone for his or her kindness, we say Arigato or Arigatogozaimasu (polite word of Arigato). Arigato is the word originally derived from Arigatai, which means “(some...

Teachings of True Buddhism―Honmon Butsuryu Shu 本門佛立宗 | 2014.09.22 Mon 14:53

Kyoke―converting another person to HBS faith, Shakubuku―advising other people to abandon their wrong faith and believe in HBS faith

Nichiren Shonin gives a street preaching at the center of Kamakura.               In chapter 16, The Life Span of the Tathagata, of the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha said: “Constantly I have preached the Law, teaching, converting countless millions of living beings, causing them to enter the Buddha way.” [Translated from Chinese.] This statement is expressed as Joseppo-kyoke in Japanese. Joseppo literally means “preac...

Teachings of True Buddhism―Honmon Butsuryu Shu 本門佛立宗 | 2014.09.21 Sun 19:51

Gohomon―the sermon that improves and enhances the faith in the Odaimoku

                Gohomon is the same as sermons that other Buddhist sects’ monks or priests preach. But, its contents are about the faith in the Odaimoku, “the path to Buddhahood (to the Eternal Pure Land).”  Go in Gohomon is an honorific prefix, Ho literally means “teachings of the Buddha” and Mon means “a gate to the Buddhahood.” Therefore, Gohomon is a sermon to intr...

Teachings of True Buddhism―Honmon Butsuryu Shu 本門佛立宗 | 2014.09.19 Fri 23:10

About Kyomu―Buddhist Priests of HBS

            Buddhist priests of Honmon Butsuryu Shu are called Kyomu. Kyo in Kyomu literally means “teaching” and Mu means “attending to one’s work faithfully.” So, Kyomu are priests who devote themselves to teaching people about the faith in the Odaimoku, the true teaching of the Buddha, for propagation around the world. Usually HBS members call them friendly “Okyomu-san.” O is an honorific prefix and San is an ...

Teachings of True Buddhism―Honmon Butsuryu Shu 本門佛立宗 | 2014.09.15 Mon 18:49

What will happen if we chant the Odaimoku, Namu-Myohorengekyo?

              Once we chant Honmon Happon shoken, Jogyo shoden, Honnin-Geshu no Namu-Myohorengekyo, we can accumulate Kudoku—the merits of enlightenment of the Primodial Buddha. Kudoku mainly has two functions; expiating one’s Zaisho and bringing forth good results.               Zaisho is energy that produces unpleasant repercussions. Zai means “sins” that we have...

Teachings of True Buddhism―Honmon Butsuryu Shu 本門佛立宗 | 2014.09.15 Mon 12:43

About Jogyo Bodhisattva (Superior Practice Bodhisattva)

            In the chapter 16 of the Lotus Sutra, The Life Span of the Tathagata, Shakamuni Buddha revealed that his and all other Buddhas’ true form is the Primordial Buddha with eternal life who had already attained enlightenment in the countless distant past. With the exalted figure and status, He preached Honmon Happon teachings and wrapped all the merits of His enlightenment in the Odaimoku, Namu-myohorengekyo. When preache...

Teachings of True Buddhism―Honmon Butsuryu Shu 本門佛立宗 | 2014.09.14 Sun 00:31


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