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Captured female pirate on a big adventure in the ocean / 捕らわれた大海原を大冒険する女海賊 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Captured / 捕獲 - After losing in a fierce gunfire battle with the government's fleet, her pirate ship is boarded by government sailors. The female pirate led her men in a brave resistance, but was defeated and captured. Finally, they restrained her so that she could not move. 政府軍の艦隊と激しい砲撃戦に撃ち...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.01.27 Sat 12:59
A female soldier relaxing away from the fierce battlefield / 激しかった戦場から離れ、くつろいでいる女兵士 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Relaxing / リラックス - A female soldier is relaxing in a camp at a vanguard base and consulting with you about tactics for future battles. It seems like she has complete trust in you. You are giving her sound advice on how to fight her enemy soldiers in close quarters combat. 前衛基地のキ...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.01.15 Mon 18:59
Defeated Superheroine of justice fighting evil. / 敗北した悪と戦う正義のスーパーヒロイン 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Defeated / 敗北 - The superheroine defeated the fighters of the evil organization one after another, but she ended up falling into the evil organization's cowardly trap. The fighters of the evil organization take the girl hostage, block the superheroine's movements, and mercilessly attack her. In the end, she suffers her ...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.01.02 Tue 06:40
Defeated female knight / 敗北した女騎士 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Defeated / 敗北 - The precious princess of the royal family is taken hostage by a cowardly knight from an enemy country, and she is unable to resist the enemy knight and is defeated. As far as the White Knight was concerned, if she hadn't been taken hostage, she would have been a strong opponent. However, considering that the princess was in danger, she was in a si...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2023.12.26 Tue 05:37
Defeated female knight / 敗北した白の女騎士 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Defeated / 敗北 - The precious princess of the royal family is taken hostage by a cowardly knight from an enemy country, and she is unable to resist the enemy knight and is defeated. As far as the White Knight was concerned, if she hadn't been taken hostage, she would have been a strong opponent. However, considering that the princess was in danger, she was in a situa...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2023.12.16 Sat 05:59
A cyber warrior who fights against evil organization vows to serve only you. / 貴方だけに尽くすと誓約する悪の組織と戦うサイバー戦士 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Oath / 誓約 - The female warrior of the cyber world has finished her sexual relations with you, and when she puts on a plug suit made using cutting-edge technology, she kneels down before you and joins you in your cyber world. She pledges to serve as your very own female war...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2023.12.06 Wed 05:30
Female knight of the Middle Ages is inviting you to the bed / 貴方をベッドに誘う中世時代の女騎士 【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Invitation / 誘惑 - After discussing future fortress battles and castle defense strategies and tactics, the blue female knight slowly lies down on the bed and invites you. You cannot refuse her attractive invitation. 今後の要塞戦や城の防衛の戦略や戦術などのディスカッションが終わると、青の女騎士は、ゆ...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2023.11.23 Thu 03:53
【Category - Superheroine】(スーパーヒロインカテゴリー) ● Superheroine Type E Series (スーパーヒロイン Type Eシリーズ) 〇 Defeated Superheroine Type E 1 (50 pics) ← New! 〇 Superheroine Type E 2 (55 pics) 〇 Superheroine Type E 1 (50 pics) ● Superheroine Type D Series (スーパーヒロイン Type Dシリーズ) 〇 Captured Superheroine Type D 1 (50 pics) 〇 Defeated Superheroine Type D 2 (57 pics) 〇 Defeated Superheroine Type D 1 (50 pics) ...
DA Fantasy Blog | 2023.11.10 Fri 17:21
お初投稿になります いろんなブログ作成等を見てきた中、ここが一番使いやすそうだな〜と思いまして、 こちらに移転して来ました! ぬると申します。 普段は別名義で創作を兼ねた作曲、歌などをしています。 誰かしらは私のこと知ってたり!?なんて! 今回はテスト投稿をしようと思いまして。 いろいろなツールが使えるの助かるなあ〜 画像はもちろんのこと、youtubeの貼り付けもできるの、非常に助かる・・・! どこでも同じようにできるのは確かなのだけど、シンプルでわ...
ぬるばこ。 | 2023.02.22 Wed 20:40
JUGEMテーマ:オリジナルキャラクター 久しぶりにVanHalenでも聴こうかと。 なかった事にする勇気。
mitolier :: ミトリエ | 2022.05.08 Sun 17:11
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