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Yakuza Lady A Prologue 1 / 極道の姐 A プロローグ 1

Yakuza Lady Who Lives by the Code of Chivalry / 任侠道に生きる極道の姐      【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Prologue / プロローグ -   A tomboyish female Yakuza Lady who combines courage and beauty stands up to the wicked gangsters for the sake of the innocent townspeople.   度胸と美貌を兼ね備えた兼ね備えた男勝りの女侠客が、無垢の町民のために人の道を外れた極道たちに立ち向かう。     【Gallery / ギャラリー】 - Pixi...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.11.10 Sun 05:36

Romance of Investigator D 1 / 女捜査官 D のロマンス 1

The days of love of Female investigator in a white suit who fights against criminal organizations / 犯罪組織と戦うホワイトスーツの女捜査官の愛の日々       【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Romance / ロマンス -   The female investigator lies on the bed and greets you. And you and she will enjoy a romance just the two of you.   女捜査官は、ベッドの上に横たわり、貴方を迎える。そして、貴方と彼女は、二人だけのロマンスを楽しむ。   &n...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.10.29 Tue 05:19

Preview Cute Gallery - Volume 6 -

●Series Contents This is an AI anthology image collection of various scenes featuring various types of lovely and cute characters. さまざまななタイプの可憐で可愛いらしいキャラクターたちのさまざまなシーンのAIアンソロジー画像集です。     ”Cute Gallery" is a collection of AI images of various types of characters in various scenes, such as a lovely princess from the Middle Ages, a dignified female sheriff from the frontier days, a female captain from the Ag...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.10.20 Sun 14:16

Knight C Interrogation 2 / 尋問を受ける女騎士 C 2

Golden female knight who is loyal to her master is subjected to harsh interrogation. / 厳しい主君に忠誠を尽くす黄金の女騎士       【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Interrogation / 尋問 -   The captured female Golden knight is subjected to merciless interrogation by enemy knights. However, she does not divulge information about her allies. Furthermore, her enemy knights continue to interrogate her even more intensely.   捕られた黄金の女騎...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.10.14 Mon 07:17

Knight D Prologue 2 / 女騎士 D プロローグ 2

A silver female knight loyal to her lord / 主君に忠誠を尽くす銀の女騎士       【Scene explanation / シーン解説】- Prologue / プロローグ -   She has been going to the castle since she was a child, training herself among the strong knights. Wearing gold armor, she defeated many powerful enemies, and was feared by her enemies, who called her the "Golden Knight."   彼女は、幼少の頃から城に通い、屈強な騎士に混じって自らを鍛えていた。彼...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.10.02 Wed 05:11

Preview Space Warrior - Invitation -

●Series Contents This is a collection of AI images that tells the story of a dignified female space warrior, dashing in a white space suit reinforced for use against aliens. 対エイリアン用に強化されたホワイトのアストロスーツを颯爽と身にまとった凛々しい宇宙の女戦士の物語のAI画像集です。     ●AI-Generated Prompts / AI生成プロンプト(原文) After a discussion with you about future interplanetary conflicts and battle strategies and tactics, the female space warrior...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.09.22 Sun 17:05

Captured Knight C 2 / 捕らえられた女騎士 C 2

Captured golden female knight who is loyal to her master / 捕らえられた主君に忠誠を尽くす黄金の女騎       【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Captured / 捕獲 -   The Golden Knight fell into a trap set by the enemy's vile knights, surrendered and was captured. She was restrained so that she could not resist.   敵の卑劣な騎士たちの罠に掛かり黄金の女騎士は、降伏し捕らわれてしまった。そして、彼女は抵抗が出来ないように拘束されてしまった。 ...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.09.12 Thu 04:22

Preview Superheroine A - Rest -

●Series Contents This is a collection of AI images of a seductive superheroine dressed in a white bodysuit. ホワイトのボディスーツに身を包んだ妖艶なスーパーヒロインの物語のAI画像集です。     ●AI-Generated Prompts / AI生成プロンプト(原文) The superheroine was captured by an evil organization's cowardly trap, but she was able to escape from surveillance and escape from the evil organization's hideout. She decided to take a break from her intense fightin...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.08.30 Fri 18:04

Space Soldier Rest / 宇宙の女兵士の休息

Momentary Rest of Female space soldiers who protect space security / 宇宙の治安を守る宇宙の兵士の束の間の休息       【Scene explanation / シーン解説】 - Rest / 休息 -   A female space warrior was captured by aliens and was in a critical situation. However, she was rescued by you and your allied warriors in the nick of time and returned safely to the space base in satellite orbit. She was able to get a brief rest from her fierce days of fighting. &n...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.08.17 Sat 06:10

Preview Beautiful Superheroine Volume 12

This is a collection of AI images of various types of beautiful superheroines in various scenes. "Beautiful Superheroines Volume 12" is a collection of images of super heroines inspired by American comics, female warrior fighting monsters calls "Taimanin" , and works inspired by game characters. All of the characters are gorgeous and graceful heroines who exude adult charm.       【Gallery / ギャラリー】 - Patreon -   ...

DA Fantasy Blog | 2024.08.10 Sat 14:34


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