[pear_error: message="Success" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""]
JUGEMテーマ:院試英語(和訳/TOEFL) しばらくは大学入試レベルの復習を(というかそれだけで十分な気もする) 慶応(医)からの抜粋です(参考:ビジュアル英文解釈)。 people differ in the color of skin, eyes, hair, in stature, bodily proportions, and in many other traits.some of us have blue eyes and others brown eyes, some have prominent and others flat noses, some are tall and others short.we do not suppose that every person with blue eyes belongs to a...
My First JUGEM | 2017.07.26 Wed 21:46
people differ in the color of skin, eyes, hair, in stature, bodily proportions, and in many other traits.some of us have blue eyes and others brown eyes, some have prominent and others flat noses, some are tall and others short.we do not suppose that every person with blue eyes belongs to a different race from everybody with brown eyes.It happens, however, that blue eyes are very common in most parts of the United States but rather rare in most parts of Mexico.It is this and simil...
My First JUGEM | 2017.07.26 Wed 08:52
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