[pear_error: message="Success" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""] 英語日記のブログ記事をまとめ読み! 全1,040件の21ページ目 | JUGEMブログ

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このテーマに投稿された記事:1040件 | このテーマのURL:https://jugem.jp/theme/c33/1125/

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Walking diary : 100802

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 So, I start an English for walking. Today, I am walking about 1 hour around my house.It's so hot. I brokea very very sweat.

日々の出来事 | 2010.08.02 Mon 05:33


JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 Regarding ivent of yesterday, My firmily and I went to shopping near the shoppinhg town. My daughter done nail art. She was very happy .Today, We will go to grape picking.

日々の出来事 | 2010.08.01 Sun 10:07

heyyy! im done!

finally im free from writing papers! i just finished writing a paper about relationships between india nad england right now!also i finished writing one about vietnam war this morning!i know i have to study for exams (i have two on monday, one on tuesday and two on friday), but right now, i feel so happy!im going to see my darling tomorrow (probably at a library? i guess he understands i should study...well i feel kind of sorry for him, but i hope hes kind. he says he gives me something ...

6554* | 2010.07.31 Sat 22:57


JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 英語を勉強しようと最近思っています。なので、一日にあったことを英語で書いていこうかなと。間違っていたら、訂正してくれる人がいると助かるのですが。。。I got up and went walking for about 1 hour.I went to binisess trip today. I went to back home before about few hours.So, I am making diary. I am going to go to bet after it.Good nihgt!By the way, I am anxiety that spelling of word is OK or not! I want to do spelling check on the page.

日々の出来事 | 2010.07.30 Fri 20:48

【海外発送版】発音大学DVD 英会話 ライティング 内容

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 詳細はこちらをクリック −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−このブログは、株式会社 チカラインターナショナルの【海外発送版】発音大学DVD の内容 詳細 口コミ 検証 クチコミ感想 評判 などの情報を紹介するブログです−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−あなたも英語が上達したければ今日からでも英語で日記を書くようにして下さい。 ケイティー先生は、あなたが英語で書いた日記の中で間違った部分を指摘し、その下に正しい言い方や単語を書いて教えてくれます。 ネイティブの先生と英会話をするのはまだちょっ...

【海外発送版】発音大学DVD 英語 内容 詳細 | 2010.07.20 Tue 10:47

TDL, Harajuku and Shibuya

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 These were my 2 days' plan to go.Yesterday, my uncle and aunt, a cousin and her sons came to tokyo.Then, we went to Tokyo Disney Land.It's been 2 years passed since I went to there, so, that was a little bit exciting.I enjoy the ridings and mostly taking a walk (because the sons are only 3 and 1years old).The only thing I wated to go is this and I hope you play the intro of "BAD" i love it :) That was good. Thanks to technology, it was upgraded with a beat vibr...

From a small city in Saitama. | 2010.07.18 Sun 22:12

Love vintage :)

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 Here in Saitama, we got a rainy season. I hate this season because I was born in Jan, well is it irrelevant?Everyday the temperature is hot and humid. The only time feeling cold is rainy or during eating ice cream.Well, this pic is my favorite shoes.My mom have a great sense of fasion: I learned fashion from her and music from my dad.and this is her shoes. Love it (^^*)I don't like trencker but love leggings (especially such as above design types).BEC...

From a small city in Saitama. | 2010.07.04 Sun 18:31

Books and CDs

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記Hello everyone, How are you guys today? I decided to write something in English sometimes to keep to remember the English I leaned in the US. I'm not so much smart one, so I need to keep to make it myself. I think some of you are surprised that I write it in English. You don't have to read it, if you are not interested in English. Oh, I need to tell you that I sometimes make mistakes when I write English grammer. Sorry about it ;(So, I bought something at s...

現実的ロマンチック | 2010.07.03 Sat 20:09

動物園 その2       In the ZOO part2

2010年 5月19日          May 19' 2010あなた、誰?              Who are you?カメではないよね・・・         Aren't you tortoise,are you....?

カメのキモチ tortoise's feelings | 2010.05.20 Thu 13:34

サザンオールスターズ - 汚れた台所

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 JUGEMテーマ:英会話 JUGEMテーマ:最新ヒット曲 JUGEMテーマ:子供の「英語教材」選び(「子供英語教材」「幼児英語教材」) JUGEMテーマ:外国語学習

口語英語・これ言える | 2010.05.16 Sun 15:26


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