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It seems to snow in daytime today. Does not spring come early? 今日もお昼から雪が降るみたいです。 早く春にならないかなぁ。 JUGEMテーマ:外国語学習 JUGEMテーマ:英語日記

英語で日記を書いてみたい | 2011.02.14 Mon 11:32


It rained after a long time yesterday. It was the cold thought to snow if it was the north. 昨日は、久しぶりに雨が降りました。 北の方なら雪になると思う寒さでした。 JUGEMテーマ:外国語学習 JUGEMテーマ:英語日記

英語で日記を書いてみたい | 2011.02.09 Wed 11:47


Very ..becoming of the foot the pain.. though occasionally put on thinking that it put on high-heeled shoes. たまには、ハイヒールを履こうと思って履きましたが 足が痛くなって大変でした(T_T) ※エキサイト翻訳を使ってます。 JUGEMテーマ:外国語学習 JUGEMテーマ:英語日記

英語で日記を書いてみたい | 2011.02.07 Mon 19:21


The cat is not kept now though I love cats. It makes to feelings where the hot-water bottle put in the cover is asleep with the cat and it is pleasant now though it was asleep together at night when the cat is kept. 私は、ネコが大好きですが、今はネコを飼っていません。 ネコを飼っているときは、夜一緒に寝ていたのですが、 今は、カバーに入れた湯たんぽが 猫と一緒に寝ている気分にしてくれて気持ちいいです♪ ※エキサイト翻訳を使いました。 楽天で探す JUGE...

英語で日記を書いてみたい | 2011.02.04 Fri 10:24


There were these kind of things while it was getting on with the bicycle yesterday. When stopping because of the signal waiting Two parents and children are Osaka castle!Osaka castle! Because it says in English and the photograph has been shown, it has been instinctively said, "May I speak in English?" The Osaka castle was said going straight here and said, "Thank you" with pleasure when saying, "That was the castle" because the Osaka castle was seen when it saw the road ah...

英語で日記を書いてみたい | 2011.02.02 Wed 10:59


From always to warmer, pleasant weather today Dieting ・・・ However, it is not good at sports ‥. (今日は、いつもより暖かく、気持ちのよいお天気です。) (ダイエット・・・でも、運動は苦手だなぁ・・) JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 JUGEMテーマ:外国語学習

英語で日記を書いてみたい | 2011.01.28 Fri 10:31


Recently, it seems to have grown fat a little. Which dieting is best ‥? (最近、少し太ったみたいです。) (どのダイエットがいいかなぁ・・・) ふかふか本格パウンドケーキに豆乳、おから、マンナンを練りこりこみ京都の有名洋菓子店が焼き上げました。【豆乳おからパウンドケーキ】 楽天で探す JUGEMテーマ:英語日記

英語で日記を書いてみたい | 2011.01.27 Thu 11:59


When it becomes cold, drinking coffee every morning has become one of the enjoyments since last year. The coffee in the morning is delicious. (去年ぐらいから、寒くなると  毎朝コーヒーを飲むのが楽しみの1つになってます。) (朝のコーヒーは、美味しい♪) JUGEMテーマ:外国語学習 JUGEMテーマ:英語日記

英語で日記を書いてみたい | 2011.01.24 Mon 12:15

36* My New Year's Resolution 2011

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記My New Year's Resolution of this year is: to live a life carefully.It looks much simpler than my new years resolution of 2010, to be a mellow peach. Then, let's start to review the last one!I want to be cute, smart and get a boyfriend (or boyfrineds!) :PActually, I could achive my resolutions.I'm sure other girls and women in my university are much cuter. I'm sure that!but at the same time, I think I look cuter now than when I was in highshool. Nowadays I pay much more at...

6554* | 2011.01.15 Sat 00:58

happy new year

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 How fast time has gone.I really enjoyed year-end off. After a week, now, I had three days off.Today is the last day and we call age coming day.There were many people wearing kimonos. When I was 20, I chose red one. These years' trend seems to be glitters.Yesterday, I was at Ochanomizu and saw some guitars. First, I chose the left clothes but felt something wrong.End it up, I got right clothes :)I love shirts giving me characters both of cool and cute...

From a small city in Saitama. | 2011.01.10 Mon 17:45


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