[pear_error: message="Success" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""]
JUGEMテーマ:英語日記It's been for six months, since I worked at this office.At last, PC was fixed for me. I can use it for correcting proofs of translation and doing research, so on.My working environment is improving day by day.Although I may have more work, I'm happy with this.
A busy mum with wonder boys | 2009.05.25 Mon 23:16
JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 My youngest son had a baseball game in light rain today.He is a catcher. The pitcher struggled with his control in the rain.He took much trouble to catch the wild balls. His team allowed the runners steal bases over and over on pass balls. They lost the game.
A busy mum with wonder boys | 2009.05.24 Sun 23:09
TOEIC990点への道 | 2009.05.24 Sun 02:25
JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 I know writing a journal here in English is just a "self-satisfaction" thing but I had found this interesting option on JUGEM! So let's do this! Keeping a journal in English here means so much to me since my major is English and I have many opportunities to speak English. I'm really poor at summerizing something and explaning something...even in Japanese! So by writing what happened every day in my life, I think I'm getting used to summerizeing it well...
:) | 2009.05.23 Sat 04:05
JUGEMテーマ:英語日記I attended a study session at the office today. It's about English translation.Many study sessions are often held by peers there. They are quite interesting and useful for me. We had exchanged opinions.
A busy mum with wonder boys | 2009.05.22 Fri 23:40
JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 An infected person of influenza new type virus was found in Tokyo.The Tokyo Metropolitan Government faces measures against infections.To act in self-defense it is necessary to wash hands, gargle, and wear a mask.Survive in this situation!
A busy mum with wonder boys | 2009.05.20 Wed 23:55
JUGEMテーマ:英語日記I found little chage of my eldest son in a few days. He is in the sixth grade.He is just about to enter the rebellious phase. I know that children don't obey their parents forever. They become to think by themselves and act on anything with making mistakes with the age.They learn a lot of things by engaging other people and experience such as fighting and toubles.Maybe my son has more troubles than other children. He is slowly but surely glowing....
A busy mum with wonder boys | 2009.05.19 Tue 23:31
TOEIC990点への道 | 2009.05.18 Mon 22:33
TOEIC990点への道 | 2009.05.18 Mon 00:52
期間限定送料無料!!【あす楽対応】スクールバッグ特集KIDS ACTIONリュック★レッド 価格:1,995円 【あす楽対応_関東】【あす楽対応_甲信越】【あす楽対応_北陸】【あす楽対応_東海】【あす楽対応_近畿】人気の英字プリントがデザインされたオシャレなリュックしっかりしたキャンバスコットン使用のしっかりしたバッグです。 ショルダー部分は負担がかからないクッション仕様、何よりとっても軽いです。余計なデザインがなくシンプル、カジュアルファッションコーデも簡単! 素材・仕様CANVAS 天ファスナー ポケット:前フ...
スクールバッグ もてもてバッグ | 2009.05.17 Sun 21:06
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