[pear_error: message="Success" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""] 英語日記のブログ記事をまとめ読み! 全1,043件の74ページ目 | JUGEMブログ

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Respect-for-Senior-Citzens Day

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 Did you talk to your grandparents yesterday? My grandparents were already past away. My two of sons talked their grandparents in Chiba prefecture over the phone last night. My eldest son said that "I'm sorry not to see you on such a special day. We had baseball for this three-day holiday." He is sure sweet, isn't he? We will go there on "Higan". In this season, we can enjoy picking chestnuts in Chiba. This is one of funs.

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.09.16 Tue 06:05

Bad Condition

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 I don’t feel well today.  I have some reasons for this.    For one thing, I had been spening busy days for hula stage of yesterday.  I enjoyed the stage of course, but I got so tired both in mentally and physically.  Also, originally we have lessons every 2 weeks, but we had extra lessons in the past month.    Another thing is the weather.  It gets suddenly cool and suddenly hot recently.  It seems I am not able to adap...

JuliのマイペースEnglish | 2008.09.15 Mon 16:19

A biennially festival

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 It was the festival of a local shrine near by my house. It's hold in once every two years. Many kids gather to the shrine. They carry the portable shrine on their shoulder, trail a float and walk in the local town. There are some resting-place for them and the child who shouldered or trailed them could be treated snacks and drinks. Beer were teated for adults. Some people wear a happi, hanten coat or yukata which Japan's indigenous festival wear. It makes the festival w...

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.09.15 Mon 07:00

He's back!

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 My elder son came back home from the traverl school excurtion. He looked he enjoyed it. He talked me how the travel was and what happened there. He brought home some the apples and the tomatos which he picked up at a farm, and the charm of better luck for me. And he said "I wish many lucks come over to you" How sweet he is, isn't he?

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.09.14 Sun 07:03


JUGEMテーマ:英語日記  My mother-in-law gave me plenty of blueberries which she grows in the garden.  To be honest, when I saw the piles of blueberries, I wondered how I consume them.  My husband will surely not eat so much, and it was too much to eat by myself.  Then I thought it would be nice if I made blueberry jam.   However, my husband enjoys blueberries against my expectation.  We eat blueberries with yogurt every day.  At the time the blueberry is ...

JuliのマイペースEnglish | 2008.09.13 Sat 12:02

Phonetic Code

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 Some time ago, I faced to the situation that I need to spell out my name in English over the phone. There is a "phonetic code" which is a certain rule to tell the spelling on the phone.  Some alphobets has similar sound, such as "B" and "D", "M" and "N" and so on.   We can avoid any confusion by using the phonetic code.I was going to use the phonetic code at that time, but I was suddenly at a loss how I tell "Y" in my name.   In f...

JuliのマイペースEnglish | 2008.09.12 Fri 11:05

The three-day weekend

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 The three-day weekend is coming up tomorrow. My two of sons play baseball as usual weekends. As an autumn baseball reague game started, they are busy for traing. The team which my eldset son belongs aims at full victory this time. Althought they are supposed skilled and poweful players, they couldn't get any medal at a spring league game. There is nothing I can do except cheering them [:野球:].

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.09.12 Fri 06:16

Radio English Conversation Program

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記I have been listening to the radio English conversation program by NHK since this April.  It is quite hard work to listen to the program every day even though the program is only 15 nimutes.  Then I bought "Talkmaster" not to miss the program.  Talkmaster has a recording function with timer, so I can record the program every day.I just started September program a few days ago.  Is it too late?  Yes, it's true.......

JuliのマイペースEnglish | 2008.09.11 Thu 14:28

A traveling shool excursion

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 My eldest son has been to Nagano prefecture for the traveling school excursion. He enjoys hiking, campfire, picking some apples, and so on. It would be a great expriences and memories for him. On the day of leaving his home, he woke up in the very early morning. He changed his clothes immediately and was standing by the front door. It was one and half hour before the time appointed for assenmbling. He wasn't going to have even breakfast. His mind was already on the bus...

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.09.11 Thu 09:18

Hurry up, please!

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 I went to the library and made a reservation of a book last week.  The book consists of 2 volumes.  I found second part on the shelf, but the first part was borrowed by someone else.  According to the librarian, the book is already overdue and they have been rushing he/she to return the book.  So I thought my turn will be soon, then I borrowed the second part on that day.It has passed one week.  I am sti...

JuliのマイペースEnglish | 2008.09.10 Wed 11:45


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