[pear_error: message="Success" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""] 英語日記のブログ記事をまとめ読み! 全1,043件の80ページ目 | JUGEMブログ

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A charming person

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 I meet an accountant of father's company once a month. Yesterday was a day for it. He is a reliable and dependable partoner. He looks working hard but also enjoying his life. He has many hobbies and busy with them. He has always something intersting to tald about. I think that a person who enjoys his life always attracts people around him and chears people up.

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.07.11 Fri 06:35

Bekko candy

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 My sons suddenly thought up to make "bekko Candy" last night. They arranged some sugger water and ladle. They learnt how to make the "bekko candy" from someboday. They heat it up on a stove burner until it came to a boil and turned the color to brown. Then cool it off with cold water in a bowl. It became brown starch syrup. They enjoyed making it and got sticky hands.

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.07.09 Wed 09:24


JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 I had an opportunity to attend a lecture meeting called "CAP" (Child Assault Prevention) yesterday. "CAP" is an education program from America how chirldren to protect themselves from all kinds of assault such as bullying, kidnapping or sexual abuse. This program is designed to learn the practical way of protection joyfully. It is different from an existing educational program such as "Do not" system. Although it was a short time, I learnt a lot. ICAP http://www...

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.07.08 Tue 06:24

A day of real summer heat

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 It was a day of real summer heat on the last week end. It was humid especially in my condominium, so we desided to go swiming. Kids' baseball was done on ealy morning, so we were free in the afternoon. It was quite crowded in the pool, but We enjoyed swiming for a while. I was surprised that my eldest son got swim better than before. He swam the crawl over 50m at a stroke without any difficulty.

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.07.07 Mon 05:13

お米 - Rice

引越しをしてから1ヶ月とちょっと。本日初めてお米を炊きました。記念すべき(?)自炊生活のスタートです!! 1 month and few days have passed since I moved. I finally cook rice today. Today is a kind of memorial day because I start to cook my own food!! 今まで一体何で食い繋いできたかといえば、コンビニやスーパー、ドラッグストアに行けば弁当からお菓子から何でもあるわけで。あとは某牛丼屋さんにもお世話になりました。うーん、便利な時代で良かった[:ディナー:] でもやっぱり罪悪感を感じざるを得ない…。何...

The Catwings Flight | 2008.07.06 Sun 23:54

再スタート! - Restart!

もう7月です。 4月から私の中では超高速で3ヶ月が過ぎていきました〜。6月に入ってから「そろそろブログ更新しなきゃなぁ」とは思ってたのですがズルズルと書かずじまいで1ヶ月経過…。そして今、このブログを見たら変なスポンサー広告の記事がトップに!!!他のブログサービスでも何日かブログを更新してないとこうゆう広告出るみたいですけど、JUGEMもだったのですね…何か嫌だなー。 ということで、スポンサー広告を消すべく(自分の後回し癖を打破するべく)またゆっくりですが更新していくことにしました。 英語の勉強も再スタ...

The Catwings Flight | 2008.07.06 Sun 21:15

A long day

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 It was a very hot day yesterday. I sweated on the outside despite I was still. There was a baseball game of my sons, so they left from house early in the morning with their lunchboxes and me either. They moved from one ground to another ground for their game in a day. Unfortunately, they lost the game and also lost their hope to win a medal in this season.

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.07.06 Sun 07:02

From N.Z

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 It's been for three months, when I lost my loved uncle. His death made people around him feel sad. My father in law is only brother for him. The uncle used to live in N.Z. The house is still as it is. My father and uncle's son went to N.Z on last week to do some work after his death. It was cold in N.Z, they said and brought some souvenir for us.

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.07.04 Fri 10:48

An interview with teacher

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 There were interviews with teachers of my sons yesterday. The both teachers are very young. One is 23-year old woman for my youngest son and the other is 26-year old man for my eldest son. As far as the 23-year-teather, she is a new recruit. She looks like still a student. There might be many parents who feel uneasy about her leadership ability because of her age. But I was relieved after the interview with her. I felt that she was very smart and confident. And also t...

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.07.03 Thu 06:55

Stay up late.

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 My eldest son can't stop sitting up late at night and reading books. I check his bedroom everynight whether he fell asleep or not before I go to bed. Otherwise he enjoys reading all night. But! I found this morning that the light in his room was still on and a comic was left at his side! It was obvious that he stayed up late. I worry about his eyes. He got a letter from a school doctor after the medical checkup, which said that his eyes gose bad. He might have to we...

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.07.02 Wed 06:38


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