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No Use For A Name: All the Best Songs out December 11th

No Use For A Name: All the Best Songs out December 11th Fat Wreck Chords announced the release date of NUFAN’s newest album “All the Best Songs” You can read original article via FAT Wreck website. My Japanese Translation of this article starts below. No Use For A Name ”All the Best Songs” が12月11日に発売決定! Fat Wreck Chordの土台ともいえるバンド、No Use For a Name 2007年に、結成からの代表曲を集めたベストアルバム、All the Best Songsの編集が...

Stay Punk, Stay Awesome | 2015.10.08 Thu 09:15

Kemuri officially introduced their new Trumpet & Trombone player!

Kemuri officially introduced their new Trumpet & Trombone player! Yesterday, Kemuri introduced their new member, Mitchy & Hiroyuki Suka Both of them have been playing with Kemuri as a support member. But from now on, they’re officially permanent members of KEMURI! I translated their new member’s personality / introduction I read on Kemuri’s official twitter account. New Trumpet player Mitchy! Handsome *only when he’s in good shape Seems ...

Stay Punk, Stay Awesome | 2015.10.07 Wed 02:29

Propagandhi announced their new Guitarist, Sulynn!

Propagandhi announced their new Guitarist, Sulynn You can read original article from Propagandhi’s website. Here’s my Japanese translation↓ ポーザー共、心の準備は良いか?! プロパガンディに新しい仲間が加わった。彼女の名前はスリン。愛用のSGを引っ提げて、頭蓋骨割る勢いで、ツアー参加の準備万端だ! 他に何が知りたいっていうんだ?!この世の中で他に重要な事なんてあるのか?! まぁいい、スリンに直接話しをきこう。 「私の名前はスリン、長髪ヘッドバンギングと、左側のリフ...

Stay Punk, Stay Awesome | 2015.10.06 Tue 07:14

Tsunami Bomb to release rarities collection

Tsunami Bomb to release rarities collection Check out the full article via Punknews.org Here's my Japanese translation↓ Tsunami Bombがレアコレクション、Trust No Oneの発売を発表! Kung Fu Recordsから発売されるこのアルバム、B-Movies Queens, Mayhem On the High Seas, The Incasion From Withinなどのアルバムから選曲と共に、未収録曲も含めた14曲入りとなる。 収録曲名を一挙公開!  1. Lemonade (1999) (レアバージョン)  2. Irish Boys  3. Obligation (未収録) &n...

Stay Punk, Stay Awesome | 2015.10.06 Tue 05:40

Millencolin True Brew World Tour 2015 @Vinyl Las Vegas

Millencolin True Brew World Tour 2015 @Vinyl Las Vegas Long awaited Millencolin finally comes back to Las Vegas after 11 years     One of the most well-known Swedish punk bands, Millencolin was formed in 1992. Since 1993 Millencolin has consisted of the same members: Nikola, Mathias, Erik and Fredrik. They released their newest album “True Brew” this year and announced a World Tour! This Swedish punk band gained popularity in the US after their song &ld...

Stay Punk, Stay Awesome | 2015.09.29 Tue 14:08

H2O New Album “Use Your Voice” Out on October 9th 2015

H2O New Album “Use Your Voice” H2O’s long awaited 6th full length studio album comes out on October 9th 2015! Formed in 1994 from Manhattan NY, H2O is known as one of the iconic NYHC band from the 90’s era. It’s been 7 years since they released last full album “Nothing to Prove” in 2008. Front man Toby Morse excitingly tweeted about it recently. “Only took us 7yrs. 20yrs later we made my favorite album yet. Almost thought NTP was ou...

Stay Punk, Stay Awesome | 2015.09.25 Fri 07:45

It’s NOT DEAD festival October 10th 2015

3 more weeks! It’s NOT DEAD festival October 10th 2015 Have you ever dreamed about all your favorite bands playing at the same show? Well, this is it. This is the Music festival you’ve been dreaming about. Music scene has changed so much over the time. But all the punk bands we love never change! Please tell me this is the best line up you’ve ever seen! NOFX, Bad Religion, Descendents, Goldfinger, Lagwagon, Less Than Jake, The Bouncing Souls, The Vandals, Pen...

humanscraper | 2015.09.24 Thu 09:07

envy has officially announced their 2015 US tour!

Envy has officially announced their 2015 US tour! Envy released their newest album "Atheist's Cornea” May 13th. And they have officially announced their 2015 US tour! They’ll be touring as opening act for DEAFHEAVEN on the east coast, and La Dispute on the west coast. You can check full tour dates on envy’s official website. Check out their latest music video “Ignorant Rain at the End of the World” on envy's official Youtube channel ...

Stay Punk, Stay Awesome | 2015.09.24 Thu 08:13

Face to Face back on FAT!

Face to Face back on FAT!   What could be better than Face to Face rejoining Fat Wreck Chord! You can read full article via Fat Wreck Website. Japanese Translation post below. ↓ 以下FATサイトニュースの独自の日本語訳です。 ↓ Fatファミリー拡大!? LAで行われた、FATアニバーサリーツアーに出演したFace to Face Disconnectedをシンガロングして、懐かしさに酔いしれた君なら予感したかもしれない。 Don’t Turn Away発売から20年、ついにFace to FaceがFat Wreck C...

Stay Punk, Stay Awesome | 2015.09.24 Thu 07:00

Leftover Crack’s New Album “Constructs of the State”

  Leftover Crack’s New Album “Constructs of the State”   Great news from Fat Wreck Chord!   Leftöver Crack have completed work on their long awaited third album, Constructs of the State, out November 27th. It’s packed with 13 punk as fuck songs that infuse hardcore, metal, ska, classical, grindcore, folk and all of the fiercely overt political and socio-economic lyrical content the band have become known for. You can get a taste of what&r...

humanscraper | 2015.09.24 Thu 03:37


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