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JUGEMテーマ:英語日記It was rainy and so cold.I have to write a report until next Thursday. So I went to library in a university to find some books for the report. However, I couldn't find any books. I thought someone is borrowing it, perhaps. I'm very troubling now because I can't write the report without books.

StarLight | 2011.11.11 Fri 21:01

Bad Dream

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記I had a dream in this morming.It was a disturbing and I've been felt badly during the morning.Talking with a friend in a university, I feel better now.Do I have to listen to "Nice Dream"(Radiohead's song)? :D Every day is same.It is repeated endlessly, I've been spent time unconsciously.I thought I have to think better about myself and people around me.

StarLight | 2011.11.08 Tue 19:47


JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 英語日記ドリル【添削機能付き】 ◆◇◆発売記念セール 700円→350円 (〜11/21)◆◇◆ 英語で日記を書いて、英語力アップ! 本アプリは添削機能が付いた、身近な出来事を日記形式で書いて覚える、30日分のドリルです。(※10月20日現在:iOS5に関しては、一部機能の日本語入力時に不具合がございます。現在対応中ですので少々お待ちください。) 英語で日記を書くことで英語力を伸ばす添削機能付きアプリ。英語で日記を書いたり、日々の出来事を話したりするときに役立つ30の重要構文をピックアップ。一見...

阿香の廣東話日記 | 2011.11.01 Tue 11:49

yomo fuyu milky!

 fuyu loves komatsuna!Firstly,  yomogi looked dislike to-myou but now, she loves one lolmilly is usually in good shape! ><If you click following I'be happyrankingJUGEMテーマ:英語日記

Outer space | 2011.08.26 Fri 13:52

That's the way it goes.

"Whether I am here or not, the world will be the same." I went to "kamakura"kamakura is a place noted in connection with the Genji family!and will up the photos now on. =h=found crows!g-good black...! lolIt was really good day since I wanna see sea until then.was sooo yummy~!also this!and went to "Tsurugaoka-hatimangu"This place is classic ground of genji family~!But I love "heishi" <3This picture is I took in train odawara-nebukawa.was sooo beautiful scenery!well good night~If you cl...

Outer space | 2011.07.21 Thu 01:47

Sky is so high

 recent skysooo beautiful =v=!!I wish I could draw picture like this one ><and my sis flew*lolFireworks we did.was so sparkled =A=*+and recent my cocatiels <3Finally,My recommended song!portrayal表現The Cockatiel's distinctive erectile crest expresses the animal's state of being. The crest is dramatically vertical when the cockatiel is startled or excited, gently oblique in its neutral or relaxed state, and flattened close to the head when the animal is angry or defens...

Outer space | 2011.07.20 Wed 09:33

I'm a peanut!

 Art cram school for me32009/ MayFigure drawing,like things that,I've done it first time.Little by little,I was getting used to smell of cram school.But,I was still like a guest.the consciousness that I'm examinee was spineless.So,When field sketch,I enjoyed that buying"Mitadashi Dango".It's more than a year since then.I didn't  found until write this article.How times flies!In those days,I kept hitting a bump in the road and getting cold feet from various things...lolEven so,it fai...

Outer space | 2011.05.25 Wed 16:19

40*:) Not A Little Kid

One rainy March night,my darling and I spent time together in his room. The spring rain fell on the window and the sound of raindrops also celebrated my birthday. Yes, it was my birthday and I just turned 19. Although we didn't eat cake or special food, I felt full because I was with him.Unconsiousl0y, listening to the wisper of raindrops, I suddenly rememberd my 18-year-old days.Without realizing, letting a cold tear running down my cheek, I buried my face against his chest.Wrapped by h...

6554* | 2011.05.03 Tue 15:23


  まずは実績から、 ・合計15万人以上が読んでいる無料英語学習メルマガ、7年間発行の実績があります。 ・1日5,000人が訪れる英語学習サイト、9年間運営の実績。 ・講座(セミナー)累計12,700人に英語指導の実績。 ・受講生さんは、TOEIC 900突破、英文法問題全問正解等の実績。 ・英語苦手な受講生さんも TOEIC 400台から半年で150点UP。  2001年から9年間、講座(セミナー)やサイト、メルマガ(メールマガジン)を通じて英語指導、英語学習のアドバイス等の実績があり、ご好評です。...

1年でTOEIC 900 英語真っすぐリーディング講座 | 2011.05.02 Mon 21:30

Art cram schools for me 2

please don't mind this number hehe.2009/04/i go to begin to attend a major art cram school.everyone is very well.on other one hand...I could not draw worth a damn.First is a stuffed bird and an apple.i didn't know composition and my condition was "perspective drawing?what is that?".i still remember that a word Mr.M said to me."it is completely different."also,paint was completely bad.i couldn't draw spatial pict and there was not complexith in my pict. i drew only flowers hehe.of course,there...

Outer space | 2011.03.31 Thu 19:49


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