[pear_error: message="Success" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""] 英語日記のブログ記事をまとめ読み! 全1,039件の9ページ目 | JUGEMブログ

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Airmail !? (29 days until IELTS)

Illustration & DesignPlease check ●●●Sachi-Studio●●● at first.   I received ordered Name Card. ... airmail !? ... from Australia!? I see, it is the reason postage is expensive.  However, I didn't notice it is abroad company... Because from top page , all of them Japanese.  There is no borderline on Inter net.  Print level isn't good. But It is one experience. 注文していた名刺が届きましたが、なんとエアメール。  オーストラリアから届いたよ〜ん!!!...

Sachi-Studio-Diary | 2012.11.17 Sat 09:37

31 days to go until IELTS

Illustration & DesignPlease check ●●●Sachi-Studio●●●at first. I made a crib sheet of English for tomorrow.    A crib sheet is Anchyoko in Japanese, or cunning paper.  A crib sheet of English for tomorrow!?  I made it because I memorise English words during working time...  I must work for 9 hours at  convenience store. I am always for my dream anywhere. 明日のために英語のアンチョコを創ったよ。 明日は9時間、バイト先のコンビニ漬けなんで、 そこで少...

Sachi-Studio-Diary | 2012.11.15 Thu 18:55

32 days to go until IELTS

Illustration & DesignPlease check ●●●Sachi-Studio●●● at first. I checked English Words all day long.  The using text is "Target 1900" ... for Japanese college entrance exam.  There are 3 parts...  I memorise most words of first 2 parts.  Then  third-year high school student admired my knowledge.  But I don't know most of last 1 part.  The title of that part is "difficult words" ... But to be exact, it is difficult to memorise. The...

Sachi-Studio-Diary | 2012.11.14 Wed 09:25

32 days to go until IELTS

Illustration & DesignPlease check ●●●Sachi-Studio●●● at first. I checked English Words all day long.  The using text is "Target 1900" ... for Japanese college entrance exam.  There are 3 parts...  I memorise most words of first 2 parts.  Then  third-year high school student admired my knowledge.  But I don't know most of last 1 part.  The title of that part is "difficult words" ... But to be exact, it is difficult to memorise. The...

Sachi-Studio-Diary | 2012.11.14 Wed 09:19

33 days to go until IELTS

Illustration & DesignPlease check ●●●Sachi-Studio●●● at first. I started to write my blog in English again.  Because I started to prepare for IELTS.  IELTS is International English Language Testing System. I plan to do only studying English until exam.  Then I will write about that in English? It sound bored... 33 days to go until IELTS!! ...英語の試験があるので、 英文でブログを書いて英語漬けになろうという作戦決行中!! JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 

Sachi-Studio-Diary | 2012.11.13 Tue 10:12

No energy

週末にイベントがあったので、今日はその代休だった。相も変わらずスタバで勉強&読書。ただ、昔ほど、勉強に対するエネルギーっつーか、熱意が感じられないのも事実。やりたいことはたくさんあるんだけどね。イマイチやる気が起きない。Since I had some over-time work last weekend, I was given a substitute day-off today.As usual, I went to Starbucks to study English and read books.But, seems like I don't have much energy or enthusiasm for studying than ever.Of course, t...

I Go Alone Again | 2012.11.05 Mon 20:37


結婚してから10kgやせた。「普通は逆だろ」って言われる。まったくだよ。 I've lost 10kg since I got married.People say that's the other way about.yeah, you got that right.JUGEMテーマ:英語日記

I Go Alone Again | 2012.10.29 Mon 21:43


また、コレと言って何もすることなく、土日が終わってしまった。新しい趣味を初めて見たり、英語の勉強をしてみたり、読みたい本や、楽器の練習、頭ん中じゃやりたいことがいっぱいあるってのに、体が鉛のように重くて動かないのが歯がゆい。Again, I spent this weekend doing especially nothing.There are a lot of things I want to do in my head,such as starting new hobby, studying English, reading books, practicing the guitar and so on,but fact is I can't move even an inch because my limbs are as heavy as l...

I Go Alone Again | 2012.10.14 Sun 21:14

my stamping ground

今日は午前中だけ有給を取って、いろいろやるべき事をやってる。ちょっと時間ができたので、スタバで休憩中。内省的になりながらも、スタバで心静かに過ごす時間はこの上ないリラックスした時間。Today, I took half a day off in the morningand I am doing a couple of things I have to do. Fortunately, I've got a time to have a cup of coffee at Starbucks cafe now.I'm a tad introspective though, I feel very relaxed spending tranquil time at Starbucks.JUGEMテーマ:英語日記

I Go Alone Again | 2012.10.09 Tue 11:01

my stamping ground

今日は午前中だけ有給を取って、いろいろやるべき事をやってる。ちょっと時間ができたので、スタバで休憩中。内省的になりながらも、スタバで心静かに過ごす時間はこの上ないリラックスした時間。Today, I took half a day off in the morningand I am doing a couple of things I have to do. Fortunately, I've got a time to have a cup of coffee at Starbucks cafe now.I'm a tad introspective though, I feel very relaxed spending tranquil time at Starbucks.JUGEMテーマ:英語日記

I Go Alone Again | 2012.10.09 Tue 11:00


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