[pear_error: message="Success" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""] 英語日記のブログ記事をまとめ読み! 全1,039件の13ページ目 | JUGEMブログ

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最近は完全に英語日記になっていますね。でもまだまだ続けますよ 英語の単語はかなりの量があります。 英語の単語や単語の品詞を覚えたりするのはとても重要なことですが、覚えるということになるとやる気がでなくなります。 実は、ちょっとした覚え方ルールをマスターして英語力アップができます。英語の名詞、動詞、形容詞、副詞を作る接尾辞(せつびじ)にはある傾向があり、文の構成の理解力アップ・単語量アップにつなげることができます。 (接尾辞とは単語の後ろにつけて、単語の品詞を変えたり、言葉の意味を補っ...

或る日の日記 | 2012.02.27 Mon 07:16

Viva, Reconstruction !

(Mrs.Koshida is cutting hair of Mrs.Kurasawa with a happy smile at her barbershop in Otsuchi.) “ My fingertips remember this feel,” said Mrs. Koshida (74) with a smile on her face, as she held a pair of scissors and a comb for the first time in seven months. A tsunami caused by the 3.11 earthquake deprived her of her husband, and her barbershop and house in which she had conducted business for more than 50 years. She wanted to tell her husband about the day...

IWATE YUICCO | English | 2011.12.29 Thu 12:07

Interview: Ryoji Sasaki

 I have been always lucky. I almost lost my life three times in the past. When the disaster happened, I got lucky again and was rescued by my neighbor. Right after I was born, I got measles and the doctor said, "he could only survive for a day," but I survived. When I was in fifth grade, I got hit by a car and jumped over as high as 10 meters. Moreover, I became a fisher man, and one day someone cut my legs with a beer bottle while I was sleeping on the boat. We got into a fight after dr...

IWATE YUICCO | English | 2011.11.24 Thu 07:39

英語 グングン上達する英語勉強法

 英語を覚えたほうが、カッコイイし、 仕事でも役立つよな。。。。 英語ビギナーが英会話スクールに行かないでも3ヶ月後に英語上達を実感する勉強法 JUGEMテーマ:英語日記

ねむねむ日記 | 2011.11.23 Wed 19:40

英検 面接

対策に 英検リスニング・面接対策3級 文部科学省後援 旺文社英検書/旺文社(単行本・ムック) JUGEMテーマ:英語日記

まおみの日記 | 2011.11.13 Sun 12:45


JUGEMテーマ:英語日記It was rainy and so cold.I have to write a report until next Thursday. So I went to library in a university to find some books for the report. However, I couldn't find any books. I thought someone is borrowing it, perhaps. I'm very troubling now because I can't write the report without books.

StarLight | 2011.11.11 Fri 21:01

Bad Dream

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記I had a dream in this morming.It was a disturbing and I've been felt badly during the morning.Talking with a friend in a university, I feel better now.Do I have to listen to "Nice Dream"(Radiohead's song)? :D Every day is same.It is repeated endlessly, I've been spent time unconsciously.I thought I have to think better about myself and people around me.

StarLight | 2011.11.08 Tue 19:47


JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 英語日記ドリル【添削機能付き】 ◆◇◆発売記念セール 700円→350円 (〜11/21)◆◇◆ 英語で日記を書いて、英語力アップ! 本アプリは添削機能が付いた、身近な出来事を日記形式で書いて覚える、30日分のドリルです。(※10月20日現在:iOS5に関しては、一部機能の日本語入力時に不具合がございます。現在対応中ですので少々お待ちください。) 英語で日記を書くことで英語力を伸ばす添削機能付きアプリ。英語で日記を書いたり、日々の出来事を話したりするときに役立つ30の重要構文をピックアップ。一見...

阿香の廣東話日記 | 2011.11.01 Tue 11:49

yomo fuyu milky!

 fuyu loves komatsuna!Firstly,  yomogi looked dislike to-myou but now, she loves one lolmilly is usually in good shape! ><If you click following I'be happyrankingJUGEMテーマ:英語日記

Outer space | 2011.08.26 Fri 13:52

That's the way it goes.

"Whether I am here or not, the world will be the same." I went to "kamakura"kamakura is a place noted in connection with the Genji family!and will up the photos now on. =h=found crows!g-good black...! lolIt was really good day since I wanna see sea until then.was sooo yummy~!also this!and went to "Tsurugaoka-hatimangu"This place is classic ground of genji family~!But I love "heishi" <3This picture is I took in train odawara-nebukawa.was sooo beautiful scenery!well good night~If you cl...

Outer space | 2011.07.21 Thu 01:47


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