[pear_error: message="Success" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""] 英語日記のブログ記事をまとめ読み! 全1,039件の8ページ目 | JUGEMブログ

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first entry...

I haven't written a blog in a very long time...☆ブログを書くとか久しぶりすぎる!well I just graduated college and started working in April. ついこの間大学を卒業して4月から社会人をしてますwork has been really hard so I thought id start a blog to write on my free time★仕事が大変すぎて、オフに趣味としてブログを始めました=============================I guess I'll briefly introduce myself簡単に自己紹介(^^)lived in MI from age 3-153〜15歳までアメリカI went to Sophia Univ and studied sociologyソ...

Live what you love... | 2013.05.06 Mon 17:13

GW Day3

みどりの日。やっぱり何もやることなくてスタバに来て読書&勉強。午後にはジムで汗を流す予定。充実した日を過ごしているように見えるけど、ほかに何もやることがないから、必然こうなってしまうワケ。Greenery Day, a Japanese national holiday.I came here Starbuck Cafe to read books  or study as usual.I'm going to go to the gym to do some exercises.Looks like it's a perfect holiday though,I've got nothing else to do, so there's no other choice. JUGEMテーマ:英語日記

I Go Alone Again | 2013.04.29 Mon 10:07


GW2日目。相変わらずやることがなくて、スタバでのんびりしてる。恐ろしく体が疲れてる。昨日ジムで運動しすぎたかな。Golden Week Holidays Day2I've got nothing to do as usual, so I'm just chilling out at Starbucks Cafe.JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 

I Go Alone Again | 2013.04.28 Sun 10:57

2013 Day2


I Go Alone Again | 2013.01.03 Thu 10:04



I Go Alone Again | 2013.01.02 Wed 00:28

I vs. I

今の自分というヤツは、はたから見れば情けないまでに貧弱で、へたをすりゃ、小学生ですら俺を打ち負かすんじゃないかってくらい、衰弱仕切ってるきがする。ただ、これが「自分対自分」となると、これほど、強大で凶悪な相手もいないものだということが分かった今日この頃。What I am now is super weak,and I bet even a little child could defeat me easily.But, when it comes to "I versus I,"lately I found I am very gigantic, strong and evil being.What a nuisance...... but it's okay.  It's no big ...

I Go Alone Again | 2012.12.23 Sun 23:02

tough cold

風邪ひいた。仕事を休んだ。シャレんならんほどキツい。鼻水が滝のように流れ出る中、一人黙々と家でできる仕事をしてる。孤独だ。I've got a cold.I' don't go to work today.It's freakin' tough.With my nose running just like The Niagara Falls,I'm doing the works that I can do at home right now.I feel sooooo lonely.JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 

I Go Alone Again | 2012.12.05 Wed 11:26

Job after 6 days (20 days until IELTS)

 Illustration & DesignPlease check ●●●Sachi-Studio●●● at first. I went to a part time job at a convenience store after 6 days.  Some people say they come not to want to work after long interval.  But I am the opposite.  I come to want to work much more after long interval.  It is most important for me to feel everything fresh.  ...want to work much more!? ...double,triple...? But from the beginning, I don't like the job at a convenience store.  ...

Sachi-Studio-Diary | 2012.11.26 Mon 10:30


つまらない。何をするにしてもつまらない。退屈だ。何か新しいことを、変化を求めてはいるのだが、アレをしよう!コレをしよう!と思うのもつかの間、そんな気持ちも一瞬にして、花火のように消え去って、結局何もできずにグダグダ、ウジウジしてる自分がいる。Boring....freakin' boring no matter what I do.I want to do sometning new, or I need some brand new changes.But while I dream of challenging various things, this feeling soon fades out.After all I can't do anything and I&...

I Go Alone Again | 2012.11.25 Sun 09:32

My ring finger (27 days until IELTS)

 Illustration & DesignPlease check ●●●Sachi-Studio●●●  at first. My chief of  a convenience store said,  "Please take off your ring because you treat foods"  No! This ring can't be removed easily, because it is very tight...  ? removed !! Oh, I could remove this ring!!  Then I put it on my finger again...  But I can't remove it again!!?  Wowwwwwwwww!! I mistook pinky  for ring finger!!!!  I forgot my ring changed on rin...

Sachi-Studio-Diary | 2012.11.19 Mon 09:20


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