[pear_error: message="Success" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""]
最近困ったことに、やけに鼻炎の調子が悪いのです。花粉症ではないのですが、慢性なうえにハウスダストや動物でたまに反応することがあります。 もしかして花粉症になっちゃったのか!?と凹みながら、いつも症状がひどくなったとき用の薬を使うも全然良くなる気配ナシ。そして2、3日経ってようやく「これは風邪だ」と気付いたのでした。アハハハ… My nose is in bad condition recently. It's not only a chronic but also a allergic. I'm allergic to house dust or animals sometimes. I've worried about a pollinosis, so I t...
The Catwings Flight | 2008.04.10 Thu 22:31
JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 School has started new term. I'm very busy to put my kids'name on their belongings and do lots of paper-work for school. Every year we have to do same work for new school year. It's reary a bother. By the way, I found that the teacher of my eldest son is a male and one of my second son is a new teacher. I'm happy to have both of them and my kids, too. They checked their new schoolbooks out with happy look.
A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.04.08 Tue 22:41
JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 The school is going to start from today. My eldest son is going to be fifth and youngest son is going to be secound grade this year. Time pasts so quick, isn't it? I feel like that I just attended my child's entrance ceremony a few days ago. I made my kids various preparation for new school year yesterday. They filed all of the old handouts and exams and put their belongs in order. They are ready the new school year. They'll let know their new class teachers and ...
A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.04.07 Mon 05:57
JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 It was my mum's birthday lastnight so we had dinner together. We cooked "takenoko gohan" useing the bamboo digged by my kids and prepared some "sasimi" of squid and bonito. They are all food in season we enjoyed the delicacies of season. My mum is a good cook. I love cooked food and rice dish included adding seasonal ingredients such as bamboos, chestnuts, green peas to the rice. My eldest son said " This 'takenoko gohan' is so good! Her cooking is always delicious!...
A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.04.06 Sun 07:38
JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 We recieved a parcel from grandparents' place. It was bamboo shoots which my kids digged the day before yesterday. Their grandparents sent them to us at the same time when my kids left there. They sometimes send seasonal vegetables and fruit from Chiba. We can enjoy fresh vegetables. I'm going to cook "rice cooked with bamboo shoots" which called "takenoko gohan" in Japanese for dinner. It tastes like spring!
A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.04.05 Sat 06:32
JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 At last my kids came back from grandparents'place yesterday. I picked them up at Tokyo station. When I saw them after three days, I found that they got lightly sunburm on their face. They looked bit being nervous when they got off from the bus. But as soon as they found me, their smile were back. On the way to my home, they couldn't stop talking about how they were happy to stay at grandparents' place. Then, busy days have come back to me!!
A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.04.04 Fri 06:07
毎日必ず英語の勉強をすること。 Study English every day. 毎日スケジュール帳を開いて「いつ・何を・どれくらいやったか」を記入すること。 Make out a schedule and write "when/what/how" on my notebook. このたった二つの約束事を必ず実行すること!!! I have to do those only 2 things parfectly!!! いつでもどこでもチェックされていることを忘れないようにねー[:イヒヒ:] You must don't forget that I'm checking anytime, anywhere! JUGEMテーマ:英語日記
The Catwings Flight | 2008.04.03 Thu 20:45
JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 I started to work my new job as you know. Then I'm telling about peopel worked there. I find most of workers in there are seemed to be nice, although they have some features each of them. I find a worrisome woman in the office. She said she is going to quit this job in this month. She is a kind of criticize person. She seemed that she complains about every little thing. She informed me about a number of conplains of other co-workers and her job. I feel sorry her. She ...
A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.04.03 Thu 12:50
JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 It was first date for new office yesterday. Although I work at home as a checker of translation, I was advised to work at ward office because of work conditions such as duty hours. I had the interview and passed it. I knew the job would be nothing to get excited... I already knew, but.... I couldn't find any interest in it yesterday. I think it's better to increase the job at home-based, although it is hard for me. I might quit the ward office.
A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.04.02 Wed 07:04
JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 It was a very quiet last night. My noisy boys have been to their grandparents' place. I cooked for myself and had supper alone and enjoyed a long bath. I spent enoght time to read books. But I feel a littre uneasy when I think my boys. It is a first experience for my 7-year-boy to stay overnights without his mother. Thus kids grow away from their parents, aren't they?
A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.04.01 Tue 06:40
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