[pear_error: message="Success" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""] 英語日記のブログ記事をまとめ読み! 全1,040件の91ページ目 | JUGEMブログ

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このテーマに投稿された記事:1040件 | このテーマのURL:https://jugem.jp/theme/c33/1125/

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Due date

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 I finished my first work at home-based yesterday. I'm so happy to bring to completion the work. They gave me next case. It is for checking genetic translation of Japanese to English. The due date is tomorrow. I get nervous with it. To be set a deadline it is very uncomfortble, isn't it? Most of cases are required to finish them up in a short period. It makes me really tired....

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.03.18 Tue 06:59


・swell (腫れる) JUGEMテーマ:英語日記

Lingo Kitchen | 2008.03.17 Mon 15:50

役に立つ言葉たち - The very useful words

Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. - frank outlaw (Elizabeth C.?) 自分の考えていることに注意せよ、それがあなたの言葉になる。 自分の口にする言葉に注意せよ、それがあなたの行動になる。 自分のとる行動に注意せよ、それがあなたのくせになる。 自分のくせに注意せよ、それがあなたの性格になる。 自分の性格に注意せよ、...

The Catwings Flight | 2008.03.14 Fri 21:03


JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 I'd lose my head if it weren't attached. I mark the calender for school exercises such as teacher's interview, parent't association and PTA activityies and any other schedules at the beginning of a month. Then I make sure for the daily schedules in the morning. But! I sometimes forget the time comes! I'm disgusted with myself for my short memory... I thought up using the alarm of cell-phone! I input all date of important schedules to my cell-phone. It's rearlly good. A...

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.03.14 Fri 05:38


Would you like (丁寧な聞き方) ・Would you like a seat? (席に座りますか?) ・Would you like something to drink?(何か飲み物を飲みますか?) JUGEMテーマ:英語日記

Lingo Kitchen | 2008.03.13 Thu 12:21

ダウン - Down

新月でリフレッシュ!なーんて書いたら、2日間丸々ダウンしてしまいました・・・ ひぇ〜[:唖然:] もう飲まず食わずで、どこまで寝るん!?っていうくらい爆睡しました。 Oh my God! I'd been down for 2 days. No eating & drinking anything. I just laid down in a bed and slept and slept and slept! “たぶんちょっと疲れが溜まっただけで大したことないやー”なんて思ってたんですが・・・。さっき数ヶ月ぶりにテレビのスイッチを入れて、たまたまやってた番組が「本当は怖い家庭の医学」の“本当は怖い疲労〜日常に潜む見え...

The Catwings Flight | 2008.03.12 Wed 22:48

My first job

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 I got my first job in home-based. I check for translated text. It is from English to Japanese and has 92 pages in Japanese. It is an enormous amount for me. But I have to do it for only three days. I'm afraid if I couldn't meet a deadline... But I have to ...!

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.03.12 Wed 09:33

Lower-back pain

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 I suffer my lower-back pain in these days. I feel the pain especially when I get up in the morning. I can't straighten up easily after awakening... I stretch out on a bed for a while then get up. Otherwise, I might have a crick in the back... To strech well ease my back pain. I may need to do more flexibility exercises.

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.03.11 Tue 06:19

A memorial ball

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 The baseball team which my boys belonging played their opening game of spring yesterday. My youngest son played right. And he drew a walk and stole two bases in his first at-bat of the game. He punched the air when he successed the second base steal with the sliding. He was driven! But the opponent in the game was a good defensive team. Although I could see some good plays in my son's team, they couldn't win the game... After the game although he loose the game, he wa...

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.03.10 Mon 05:36

Play bingo

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 We attended a small party celebrating for kids advance to the next year which was hold by P.T.A of After School Care Program. We enjoyed meal and talking to some friends. Kids were so excited. They started foot races at corridor of night school. And finally they all played bingo. Their faces were flushed with excitement. Surprisingly, the person who made his first utterance with the bingo was my eldest son! He took first prize and got a soccer ball. My second son got a...

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.03.09 Sun 05:27


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