[pear_error: message="Success" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""] 英語日記のブログ記事をまとめ読み! 全1,040件の90ページ目 | JUGEMブログ

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このテーマに投稿された記事:1040件 | このテーマのURL:https://jugem.jp/theme/c33/1125/

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違い - Difference

初めて犬を家族に迎えようとする大抵の人たちは、性別を決める段階でメスを選ぶことが多いです。理由は「メスのほうが大人しくて扱いやすいと聞いたから」と。どこでそうゆう情報を得てるのかは分かりませんが、そうゆうことらしいのです[:たらーっ:] 今ちょうど3ヶ月の子たちがいて、性別でかなりの違いが観察できたのでその様子をビデオに収めてみました! When the people who have a dog as a member of their family choose a boy or a girl, mostly choose a girl. The reason was usualy "a girl is calm and gentle, better ...

The Catwings Flight | 2008.03.27 Thu 20:53


JUGEMテーマ:英語日記The spring holidays started from yesterdy, so I took my boys to Tokyo Disney Sea with my sister and the niece yesterday. It was a beautiful day and perfect weather for TDS. We could get enter there as soon as they opened. We used the fast pass system wisely which we could ride attractions without waiting. We enjoyed the rides and the show all day.It was over ten o'clock when we got home....

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.03.26 Wed 07:26


・a running nose(鼻水) ・sneeze(くしゃみ) ・singular(単数形) ・plural(複数形) glasses are JUGEMテーマ:英語日記

Lingo Kitchen | 2008.03.24 Mon 17:05

A farewell

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 A family is moveing away from Tokyo. The father has served a baseball coach of the team my boys belonging to for 2 years. The son is a new captain in the lower grades. The father has great prestige among kids and other coach. They talk with a Kansai accent. We get a warm friendly feeling from it. The mother is a very happy person and lifts the team's spirit. We all love the family. They are a big part of the team. Yesterday we had a BBQ party for their farewell. But...

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.03.24 Mon 04:51

Easter & date

got up at 8:30 and went to church with Peter. He took a lot of Easter eggs from the church. It was funny that he was upset about that. After the Easter service, we went to Shinjyuku because he is looking for some good room lights for his house. but we couldn't find it he likes after all. We went to franfranc, In The Room and MUJIRUSHI in vain, Then, we went to the net cafe and checked out IKEA's homepage. We were surprised at all of IKEA's prodacts because these are all really nice as d...

Adorable | 2008.03.24 Mon 02:43

The funeral ceremony

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 I attend the funeral of my uncle whose we went on in NZ very much. He was going to be eighty-year old on thirtyth of this months. He took good care of others. He was a just boss person. He was attached by many people. Many people who associated with him participated in the celemony and said goodbye to him. My eldest son had a speach at the celemony. He said "I'm shunich's first son, RK....I loved my grand uncle very much. When I was NZ, thanks to teach me 'Shogi' and ...

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.03.23 Sun 08:40

Radio courses

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 The radio course for English learners will be renewaled from April. As there are many course, I'm not sure which course is suit me... The each of program is only fifteen minutes work everyday or every second day. They are all well organized and enjoyable. I'm looking forword to listening the new one.

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.03.21 Fri 05:19

A job of the word office

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 I got a result of my jobahunting newly. Although I already started a home-based work, I decided to accept this offer because the home-based work dosen't firm. It has good thing for me in the word office that I can leave the office on time. I'll work three day in a week for it.

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.03.20 Thu 10:54

A sad news

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 The sad news came to me suddenly last night. My uncle passed away the day before yesterday. He had just came back from N.Z the same day. He has own house in N.Z and had come and been between Japan and N.Z for over eighteen years. My family went on him very much when we were in N.Z. He was sort of like my father in N.Z. After he left at Narita airport the day, he made a stop at store and bought some faverite food ,then went home. He aperalently enjoyed his first J...

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.03.20 Thu 10:33

知らぬは罪 - Ignorance is not bliss

「知らぬが仏」で済むことではなく、むしろ「知らぬは罪」だろう。 「セブン・イヤーズ・イン・チベット」も観たし、ビースティーボーイズも大好きだし(メンバーのアドロックがチベットをサポートするミラレパ基金を設立。チベタン・フリーダム・コンサートを開催。)、ダライ・ラマ14世も名前と顔が一致する程度は一応知ってるし・・・。しかし恥ずかしながら同じアジアに生きているのにチベットについてほとんど知らない。ごめんなさいっ!! 今更だけどチベットのこと、ちゃんと勉強しようと思う。そうすることで、現在チベ...

The Catwings Flight | 2008.03.18 Tue 22:47


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