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JUGEMテーマ:日本映画の監督 「BBT」→「ニュース」→「09/19(土)」 →「“大コメ騒動”本木克英監督のトークショー」 2020.9.19(土)の他のニュース >>
中川岳志のブログ | 2020.09.25 Fri 15:17
こんばんは。 本日も 【JUGEM ふるさと川崎 〈4〉 】 へご来訪頂き、誠にありがとうございます。 あなたとの素敵&有意義な出会いに深謝申し 上げます。 ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ まずは、本日の 【YAHOO!ニュース】 から 以下の記事を。 “ 映画監督の大林宣彦さんが82歳で死去 肺がんで闘病中 ” ¥¥ 以下引用...
ふるさと川崎 〈4〉 | 2020.04.11 Sat 18:47
JUGEMテーマ:日本映画の監督 Conversation Two grammar violations Ozu argues that generally accepted grammar in movies, such as close-ups to emphasize a person's emotions and FI, FO, over time, is not essential. In particular, he emphasizes the validity of his own theory by focusing on how to photograph people in conversations. For example, in a roundtable after the completion of "Late Autumn", he stated as follows...
監督 小津安二郎 | 2020.03.21 Sat 18:46
JUGEMテーマ:日本映画の監督 Divided and dizzy shots Divided shot In a scene where a couple rumors about a three-wheeled mother and daughter while holding a dining table at `` Late Autumn '' Mamiya's house, props appear and disappear as if they divided the middle of the two (29:12 ). On the side of Shin Saburi, there are medicine and newspapers, cold cups, and Fumiko (Sadako Sawamura) has two dishes with fruits and a cup of ...
監督 小津安二郎 | 2020.03.14 Sat 23:09
JUGEMテーマ:日本映画の監督 Composition Supremeism (4)-Moving props Moving props Moving still life In "Equinox Flower", the table on the last supper on the day before Setsuko (Ineko Arima) is married, looks like a still life (1:30:17). I'll look carefully because something seems to be hidden. In the room in front of the family, there is a dining table with a hot water bowl on the right side, but immediately aft...
監督 小津安二郎 | 2020.03.14 Sat 22:21
JUGEMテーマ:日本映画の監督 Label of bottle It is pointed out that Ozu had carefully decided on the direction of pattern of the pottery placed on the table etc(28 first collection Movie account of a trip "An Autumn Afternoon" Takashi Kawamata Talk). It is not thought that he is careless in the direction of the label of the beer bottle though it is so. The work one before ¥"Fighting Friends Japanese Style&...
監督 小津安二郎 | 2019.06.07 Fri 18:48
JUGEMテーマ:日本映画の監督 Commuting train for "Late Spring" Ozu is said to have decided the composition by himself in all shots (14 . Yuharu Atsuta interview p. 261). Perhaps, as a general matter, it is obvious that the actual image is not given much attention. For example, the unusual feeling of movement of the train during commuting at "Late Spring", which is pointed out by Shigehiko Hasumi (14. To stop - Otsu-l...
監督 小津安二郎 | 2019.05.19 Sun 08:58
JUGEMテーマ:日本映画の監督 The famous scene of "Tokyo Story" Triangle composition Every member of the Hirayama family who surrounds the mother's corpse in "Tokyo Story" has a beautiful composition pointing to the right of the screen (Fig. 1: 1:48:16). It is sometimes described as being in a similar shape, but here, not all people are the same shape, but one of each of the two types in pairs is alternately arranged. And the ...
監督 小津安二郎 | 2019.05.19 Sun 08:56
JUGEMテーマ:日本映画の監督 Yasujiro Ozu and Soseki Natsume are very similar. To some extent, everyone will think if you read Soseki after getting familiar with Otsu movie. There are words that are likely to appear in the Otsu Bunko, a lot of words and lines familiar with Ozu movie, and scenes that Ozu seems to have borrowed. Here, they are divided into “A. scene borrowing”, “B. speech borrowing” and “C. word borrowing” fro...
監督 小津安二郎 | 2019.05.14 Tue 00:57
JUGEMテーマ:日本映画の監督 山村聰 【参考文献】 小津が新東宝で製作した「宗方姉妹」は、他所で撮るならそこの役者を立てるのが当然でしょうが、姉(田中絹代)> 妹(高峰秀子)、夫(山村聰)は他社、昔の恋人(上原謙)はフリーながら元松竹、父親(笠智衆)は松竹、呑み屋の主人(藤原釜足)、女中(千石規子)や常連客(河村黎吉)は新東宝。すべて(松竹 > 新東宝)の設定。これでよく脚本が通ったと思うのですが、実際には新東宝からの要望で原作も配...
監督 小津安二郎 | 2018.06.03 Sun 09:03
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