[pear_error: message="Success" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""] 英語日記のブログ記事をまとめ読み! 全1,040件の95ページ目 | JUGEMブログ

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このテーマに投稿された記事:1040件 | このテーマのURL:https://jugem.jp/theme/c33/1125/

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Idiom 5問 その1

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 idiomをまずは5個!例文は私が考えたのであっているかは微妙〜♪動物系のidiomって結構多いですよね!! 1.to put(set) the cat among the pigeons・・・激しい議論のまとになり大勢を驚かすような言動をとることShe is a trouble maker! When she participates in a meeting, she always put the cat among the pigeons. ハトつながりでpigeonは「カモ」も言うのね!騙されやすい人という意味 2. (as) sick as a dog・・・気分が悪いI caught a cold sick as a dog. 3.犬つながりでdog-ea...

目指せTOEIC650点♪ | 2008.02.11 Mon 10:03

Flash Talker's EP-7700J アウトレット品

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 アウトレットだからすっごく安いです!!(^^)v Flash Talker9;s EP-7700J ア…希望小売価格¥31,290 → 販売価格¥5,229「今年こそ英会話をマスターしたい!」「もっと海外旅行で会話を楽しみたい!」「世界で通じるビジネスマンになりたい!」そんなあなたの願いを今年こそ叶えるために、昨年からメーカーに激交渉!そして今回遂に、最強の英会話プレーヤーを、最強の価格でご紹介することが叶いまし…

ザ・アフィリエイト百貨店DS | 2008.02.09 Sat 22:00

文法問題 5問 その1

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 今日は貯めていた文法問題のまとめ。 1.The sun rises ( ) the east. 「in」なのね。うーん間違えそうな自分(笑)  ここで動詞も!基本だけど  raiseとrise、raiseは他動詞で何何をあげる、riseは自動詞で上げる。 2.On my way home,I was spoken( ) ( )a stranger. 「to,by」なのね。私だけだとただのbyだけにしてしまいそう。 3、She is not better,If ( ) she is getting worse. 「anything」 そうだわ、if anything・・・であるにしても、どちらかと言えば 彼女はよく...

目指せTOEIC650点♪ | 2008.02.09 Sat 12:03

Final income tax return

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記I'm quite busy with final income tax return to be done in time. I don't prepare only mine but also my parents' and brother's. As I can use an accounting software, they asked me to do it for them. I need more time....

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.02.08 Fri 05:02

listen, listen, listen!

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 I told some of my students a riddle during the lessons [:ラッキー:] They are aged 9 to 13. The riddle was about three men in a jail [:ドア:] It was too difficult for elementary school students [:ムニョムニョ:][:?:] but amazingly, 13 year old girls could answer [:拍手:] I think it is difficult for some adults too [:あっかんべー:] なぞなぞは子どもたちの目が輝きます[:ぴかぴか:] 英語の勉強にもってこいです。 リスニング力が落ちているので、英語を聴く時間を増や...

Lazy Tempo | 2008.02.08 Fri 00:00

A fracture in a leg.

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 I recieved a letter from school via my of kids. It's said that the class teacher of my eldest son big boy went into hospital as she broke her left leg. She slipped on the ice after it had snowed snowing. She will be hospitalized for three months. She is an excellent teacher. She understood every students' personalityies and was handling them very well. This is a biiiiiig problem forof my son. Actually he dosen't care but I do! In a few days after she'ds been in the hosp...

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.02.07 Thu 04:53

Ranning away from my exam!

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記  You can my cat Nao's movie when she was kitten. My dog Megu said that this mouse toy didn't like, but after she look what Nao enjoyed playing with it, Megu changed her opinion....  Do you feel an urge to escape from reality when you have big problem? I feel a lot....  I took first-stage test of STEP 2nd grade at 27/Jan. STEP means "The Society for Testing English Proficiency", its test is known as "EIKEN(英検)" in Japan. So, I had to study English, but it's ...

日々英語ーDiary in English | 2008.02.06 Wed 23:16


JUGEMテーマ:英語日記I received an e-mail from one of companies of which I'm appling for a position. They've required me to do three assinments making translation from English to Japanese. I have to finish off them within four days. I'll do my best.

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.02.06 Wed 04:34

A job interview

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記I had a job interveiw. It was very an orthodox interview. I had a written test which is to write an e-mail to a customer about imformation of that goods are should be delayed 3 hours behind and to write a report ' What do you think about spirit of service'. And I had some orthdox questions such as 'why do you apply this position job?','What kind of computer software can you use?', 'How much do you expect to be paid want your pay?", and so on. Lastly, they required me to ...

A busy mum with wonder boys | 2008.02.05 Tue 04:23

peaks and troughs

JUGEMテーマ:英語日記 5 days have passed since I wrote English blog. I seem to retrace dim memory because of studying English again after a several years interval. I made up to study English, I should study steadily lest I regret. It is necessary that I struggle and struggle, I think so. Before several years, I did not almost study for Toeic exam and took it, but I will study by my own way this time and I will make up to take Toeic exam on May. My ability is pretty low a...

目指せTOEIC650点♪ | 2008.02.04 Mon 16:33


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